Precipitate gold once refined

Gold Refining Forum

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Jul 14, 2023
I’m new to this forum and need to do a final cleaning of refined gold plating.
I refined about 750g of gold plated silver/copper items.
I used a refineit machine to do this process.
Prepared my electrolytes with the specified 69% of nitric acid 1 part and 4 parts distilled water.
Once finished I have about 1/4 inch mud that settled to the bottom of a 1 liter beaker. With some bluish purple liquid sheen.
Question- what chemical can I use to precipitate this and leave me with the fine gold - how much to use and temperature to heat if that’s the best process?
Thank you
Welcome to the forum.
That blue purple sheen could be colloidal gold. It settles after a long time.
Does the refineit machine come with a manual?
I’m new to this forum and need to do a final cleaning of refined gold plating.
I refined about 750g of gold plated silver/copper items.
I used a refineit machine to do this process.
Prepared my electrolytes with the specified 69% of nitric acid 1 part and 4 parts distilled water.
Once finished I have about 1/4 inch mud that settled to the bottom of a 1 liter beaker. With some bluish purple liquid sheen.
Question- what chemical can I use to precipitate this and leave me with the fine gold - how much to use and temperature to heat if that’s the best process?
Thank you
Your Gold is probably the mud, Gold do not dissolve in Nitric.
No Gold needs to be precipitated since it is not dissolved.
Martijn is right, the purple tinge to the solution may be colloidal Gold but will for all practical purposes be unrecoverable,
since it may stay suspended "for ever" and will be in the microgram or less range.

Another thing is that this Gold is not refined, it is recovered.
And as such ready to be refined, or melted into a button.
That will be your call.

Here is something to study.

1. Read C.M. Hokes book on refining jewelers scrap, it gives an easy introduction to the most important chemistry regarding refining.
It is free here on the forum: Screen Readable Copy of Hoke's Book
2. Then read the safety section of the forum: Safety
3. And then read about "Dealing with waste" in the forum: Dealing with Waste

Suggested reading: The Library

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