problem inquarting

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2009
Inquarted my gold today ready for refining to bring purity up. Had my gold with my silver and to make up extra silver I used about 60 grams of silver I bought off ebay from secure investments they had great feedback and had sold lots before, so I felt good about buying and using it to inquart with. Their "silver" looked good could see crystals in it but when i melted it with my silver and gold it melted first and quickly I now tested it and believe it is silver solder (silver, lead , TIN, zinc and who knows what else).

PLEASE HELP, what should I do ?
Oh yeah 54.43 grams "silver" solder
27.95 grams silver 99%
27 grams silver 95%
and 37.6 grams of gold >95%
soak everything in clorhidric to get rid of tin and zinc as much as posibble. filter and wash very well the unreacted sluge and boil in dilute nitric or sulphuric to separate the lead. wash again very well and inquart with good silver. could be also some better advices so wait until you get other options

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