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Non-Chemical Processing Eprom, IC

Gold Refining Forum

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Rag and Bone

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2008
Upper Midwest
Is there a backyard method to recover PMs from ICs and Eproms? I have sorted bags of them that I've accumulated. I imagine it would be a little complicated with silver, gold and Pd all mixed up. (I need a new technique. I'm getting bored with the cpus and fingers in AP routine)
I haven’t personally dealt with an Ag, Au, Pd mix but nitric will take your Pd and Ag away from your Au. Make sure you have 3 times the weight of silver to gold to get good separation of palladium and silver into solution leaving your gold behind. Then add HCl to your filtrate to precipitate out your silver as silver chloride. Choose your precipitant of choice for the Pd remaining.
Some try to stay away from silver chloride and may have a different solution for you.