This set was in storage for about 12 years and when this happens the stuff inside dries and the regulator does not work.
So I took it to my welding and gas shop and I asked them to change the thing inside and the man said he will test it there on the tanks and see if it will work
he tested the oxygen with oxygen
and the propane with acetylene he didnt fire up the torch only attached it to see the pressure.
and he said they are both fine
Then I didnt have tanks to test myself and now I have them
Oxygen,acetylene ,propane
yesterday I was in my shop and I attached the propane regulator to the propane tank I bought from wall mart.
at first it looked like there was pressure in the tank but when I tried to fire up the torch it didnt lite up
so it looked like there was gas in the tank
no fire
I closed it and tried again later
this time no gas in the tank and the tank feel like its full so I removed the regulator and to see if there was gas I cracked it just a bit and there was no smell of gas
I turned the knob to open some more and no smell of gas
what could be the problem
I noticed that on the regulator it writes that the regulator for the propane should not be used on acetylene and I didnt see that sticker and probably the welding shop man didnt notice it but we didnt fire up the regulator
1 Do you think a test like that messed things up
2 about the propane tank what could be the problem do you think something happened when I attached the regulator to the tank I blocked the hole
I will go to Wallmart tomorrow to ask for a new tank
So I took it to my welding and gas shop and I asked them to change the thing inside and the man said he will test it there on the tanks and see if it will work
he tested the oxygen with oxygen
and the propane with acetylene he didnt fire up the torch only attached it to see the pressure.
and he said they are both fine
Then I didnt have tanks to test myself and now I have them
Oxygen,acetylene ,propane
yesterday I was in my shop and I attached the propane regulator to the propane tank I bought from wall mart.
at first it looked like there was pressure in the tank but when I tried to fire up the torch it didnt lite up
so it looked like there was gas in the tank
no fire
I closed it and tried again later
this time no gas in the tank and the tank feel like its full so I removed the regulator and to see if there was gas I cracked it just a bit and there was no smell of gas
I turned the knob to open some more and no smell of gas
what could be the problem
I noticed that on the regulator it writes that the regulator for the propane should not be used on acetylene and I didnt see that sticker and probably the welding shop man didnt notice it but we didnt fire up the regulator
1 Do you think a test like that messed things up
2 about the propane tank what could be the problem do you think something happened when I attached the regulator to the tank I blocked the hole
I will go to Wallmart tomorrow to ask for a new tank