Rick & Carrie
Prospectors Rick & Carrie of Geotech Analytical
I'm still mystified. Yes, the specific gravity of an homogenous sample of ore - eg acanthite or galena - can help identify that you have an ore. Wht I fail to understand is that you identify gold bearing quartz based on specific gravity.
Every summer I gather hundreds of pounds of silver bearing galena - most of it high grade but sometimes just highly modified host rock - very heavy stuff - easy to identify - just heft it in hand. But how might I use specific gravity to identify higher silver content pieces and how can I use specific gravity to identify gold bearing quartz - especially vuggy and 'dirty' quartz that seem quite likely to have a LOWER specific gravity than a piece of pure quartz, even if rich gold values are present. Are you able to identify non-free milling gold ore using specific gravity?
I guess it doesn't matter who says it or how it is stated.
Specific gravity can not be used to identify ores of specific metals.
There are way to many elements with similar specific gravity/heft to do that.
If the ore has a high heft, do some testing and or get an assay.
To nay say this is to be a moron.
Are you a moron?