You are overconfident in something I fear you have little experience with. I still suggest using a dry secondary catchment basin for your cell and to keep water away.
Lasereyes, you have not even run a cell before and you are designing cooling systems that could not only be dangerous but may also prove unnecessary depending on how you use your cell. I worry about others following and trying to impliment some of your ideas.
My primary purpose in posting on this forum is to keep everyone safe first and foremost. You need to start off small and safe to minimize the risks in any process in chemistry until you understand what to expect, even then scaling up can cause unexpected problems and risks. You are presumably on this forum to learn refining from people that do this and know more than you do about it. Listen to them instead of idle speculation.
You started off in this thread having solid opinions as to the sulfuric cell being superior to AP when you have never built a sulfuric cell and your comments lead me to believe you have not done the AP process either. I have intentionally refrained from answering your earlier questions as to amperage and voltage as you were talking about an “ice water slurry” surrounding your concentrated sulfuric acid.
Stihl88 gave you warnings on this as well as some safety precautions (thanks stihl88). I would never work with my sulfuric stripping cells without neutralizing agents at hand, goggles, face shield, and gloves. Even when you see no spitting from a cell, you more often than not find your clothes with many fine holes from micro droplets that occur. This is even with a properly operating cell mind you, not a minor or heaven forbid major failure. Frankly I have been considering installing a shower stall in my lab if I do much more with sulfuric acid especially hot (strong bases can be worse) so if the worst happens I can get under running water to minimize the damage as I am stripping off my clothes and protective gear. Just imagine even a 5 liter beaker breaking or spilling down your front side and soaking your clothes and you can see the value in this additional piece of lab equipment.
I have built several different styles of these cells, each with their own purpose as to the material or quantity being stripped. They range from 1 liter to 15 gallons in concentrated sulfuric acid capacity and can strip up to 5 lbs at a time. Some materials are best recovered in a cell like this, many are not. Of those materials best suited to this, many need to be handled differently than others do.
Anything I would have said to you about operating these cells would have only encouraged you to move forward incorporating some unsafe ideas. I am simply unwilling to encourage someone who will not listen to safety concerns first. Steve that posted above probably knows more about these cells than I do. While I cannot speak for him, I would be surprised if he wished to teach you about them if you do not put safety first and chose to ignore any of his thoughts on safty as well. You will find that those here that have the most to teach will feel the same way.
The primary reason for my long reply is that I would not wish someone new here to read your ideas thinking them without risks. To be fair, some of this coming from me is not just about you. I have become irritated of late by people coming here to learn from others with experience, only to disregard the advice given and move forward without caution. Others are beset with gold fever, that do not wish to spend the time in order to learn how to do this safely and exercise sound ecological practices while refining.
As long as I am here I will not help someone that does not put safety first, or be responsible for the proper treatment of their wastes.
Convince the knowledgeable members here in your sincerity to listen to what they advise and your desire to be safe and responsible, and there is no end to the knowledge and education you can receive here.