Quick and easy furnace for the back yard melter

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2013
Central NC
Saw something similar on one of the back yard metal melting sites and thought I'd put one together.

"rabbit" wire mesh 1/2" opening
2" thick rock wool
short piece of 2" pipe, (electrical conduit)
Roofers propane torch
Old heat gun set to blow only air
2 hrs. of time.

I already had all the stuff so cost was zero.

You basically make a cylinder of the wire mesh, wrap it with rock wool, wrap the outside with more mesh. Make a square top and bottom. Cut a few holes for air flow and the torch and then you have a little furnace that gets real hot, real quick.

Drill them aluminum rivets out of those pots, go to Lowes and buy $3 worth of stainless bolts and replace them. Never have to worry again. Ask me how i know! :mrgreen:
Several years back I used some wire in roughly the same size made from stainless. That has been about 20 years ago so I have no idea if it is still available. It might last longer than galvanized. I do like the ingenuity behind the design.
Neat design! :p
I am curious how hot this gets. When looking at stone wools I seen that most could withstand up to 2150F. Does contain formaldehyde.

i bought a book a few weeks ago written by colin peck. its called the artful bodgers waste oil furnace. it is a great design, it can melt iron with no problems.
i have made my furnace and tested it, melting copper. all you need for fuel is waste oil. it burns clean, no need for an atomizer or jet, just a blower. its gravity feed.
Yes, it's galvanized wire, not sure how long it will last. I've noticed it gets a bright orange hot in places so I'm sure it will fail at some point. You could order stainless or better wire, but I had this left over from when I made the daughters rabbit hutches some years ago. (I'm a bit of a pack rat with building materials.) But the wire is just there to hold the rock wool in shape and keep it from getting ratty so if it lasts me a year or two, well worth it.

I'm going to try to start learning sand casting and needed something better than the ole stack of fire bricks I had been using. This seemed to fit the bill and the price was right. I'll start with Al to learn on before trying to cast some of the silver I've been recovering.
Hi spaceships. I will probably put them on ebay. For sone reason people pay way over scrap value for them. They are also good for getting silver out of silver nitrate solution.
Yes I was looking at them for that and cementing waste solutions. I've got plenty of copper but not in bars- maybe we could work something out.

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