Radar Scrap???

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New member
Oct 10, 2011
Strange looking scrap. It looks to be some type of silver alloy but has a 1mm layer on one side
of the pieces. This is again a different alloy.

Does anyone out there know what precious metals are in Radars?
Be more specific, always include name, manufacturer, mark, pictures and what part are you talking about. It is like to ask what type of fish one can find in Yellow sea.
My brother was a radar technician on a large Naval ship in the 70s. He often has told me how loaded the radar gear was with PMs, especially things like Klystron tubes. When they changed out the parts, they just tossed the old ones overboard but I seriously doubt if that happens today. I did refine a few Klystron tubes back in the early 70s and, yes, they were really loaded.

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