Re. How to get gold out from solution

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Mohamoud Said

Dec 8, 2013

I have a few questions:

1) What is easiest way to get gold out from aqua regia solution..? What kind of method is best...I need instruction step by step..
2) What is the propertion or ratio between the amount of the ore and the Aqua regia..?..(volume of the mixture)
3) After the Ore and AR added together, reaction had stopped, then what's needed for neutralization...?
4) What's best reagents for precipation either powder form or metal form...? Accordingly to our place , where there's NOT much facilitations.

Hope thre's someone that have answers to my questions.

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards,
Mohamoud Said
1. Are you sure you have any gold in your solution. Depending on starting mix of metals and whether you actually have dissolved any gold and the availability of chemicals can make that decision for you.
I'm sorry but I think it highly unlikely that anyone has the time to detail all the steps needed to work on ores sucessfully there are far too many variables.
All the processes are here on the forum just use the search function top right of your screen and read all you can, start with Hoke, she will give you a good basic start.
2. Refer to my points above, aqua regia is rarely good for ores as they contain many elements which can cause problems or worse kill you.
3. Again refer to 1. If done correctly no neutralisation will be needed but I fear your chances of been successfull at this is slim to none,sorry.
4. There are many precipitants but I can't tell you which ones you have available, read and learn the common ones used here on the forum and see if you can source them locally.

I really think you need to re think your whole approach as AR rarely works well with ores and you really need to understand what your doing before mixing acids and dissolving metals let alone how to then precipitate the gold out.
A good assay of your material will almost certainly be necessary to discover what exactly your ores consist of before any recovery or refining can even be considered, many ores contain strong poisons and elements that need removing before the values can be recovered
Please don't think I don't want to be helpful but refining is not to undertaken lightly without fully understanding the risks and the full processes and having the right equipment.
Ores are notoriously hard to process sucessfully and or economically and few people even here on the forum are well versed in its treatment, you might have gold in your ores or you might not but even if present there's no way we can help you without full details of exactly what you have, as Harold says you can spin your wheels for days,weeks or months working for nothing without that all important assay.

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