Real recovery figures from 1 Ton of electronic scrap.

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O.K. I did some quick math, if I'm wrong please tell me. Based on gold around $800, silver around $12 and palladium around $350, I get a rough total of $6300 worth of precious metals. Charges were almost $2500, that leaves $3800 for the boards.

At that same time if I had the 1900 pounds of boards I could deliver them to (my buyer) and receive $2.00 per pound (around the end of 2007, NOT now). Which just happens to equal $3800 dollars. No wait, no up front money, cash in hand the same day. Interesting.

Now (my buyer) sends them out of the country and he makes money still. So with overseas shipping expenses, I wonder where the extra profit comes from? Yes, he does get paid on the copper, which was worth something a year ago.
Well, about silver content....
I bet there was slightly more gold than 5.4Oz....
So if they had some excessive silver they could lower the gold content and higher the weight of silver in return.

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