Reclaim all or most metals dissolved in AR?

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I know how to handle waste and proper safety. I'm trying to find a demand for something to offset my initial cost and as a potential source of revenue. I have a bunch of copper, I've already got copper chloride. I was trying to ask if people wanted what size and I'd just mesh screen them down. Not sure why purity is an issue. Pure Cu in pure Cu out, no? There would be no certificates or spec sheets, either my stuff works or it don't. If it don't, I'll fix it. I'm not sure why the lecture was necessary. Just because I'm somewhat new doesn't mean I'm ignorant. This is very specific science. I don't mess with electrodes/currents/electrolysis so I asked for a video on the matter. That was not an invitation for a tirade or scolding. Why couldn't you have just shared the info? I thank you for your information and I'm grateful for it, make no mistake about that.
I know how to handle waste and proper safety. I'm trying to find a demand for something to offset my initial cost and as a potential source of revenue. I have a bunch of copper, I've already got copper chloride. I was trying to ask if people wanted what size and I'd just mesh screen them down. Not sure why purity is an issue. Pure Cu in pure Cu out, no? There would be no certificates or spec sheets, either my stuff works or it don't. If it don't, I'll fix it. I'm not sure why the lecture was necessary. Just because I'm somewhat new doesn't mean I'm ignorant. This is very specific science. I don't mess with electrodes/currents/electrolysis so I asked for a video on the matter. That was not an invitation for a tirade or scolding. Why couldn't you have just shared the info? I thank you for your information and I'm grateful for it, make no mistake about that.
Nobody has scolded you or given you any tirade.
And we shared the info your questions invited to.
I think the reason you are reading what you sense to be a scolding is a misconception on your part. But you are new here, and you are looking for advice to do some things that, as yet, no members have attempted to do. Members here can be cautious of new members, especially when they know nothing about you. You have not taken the time to introduce yourself to the forum and, as yet, you have yet to share knowledge with others that can aleve any perceptions that they may have that you in fact are a mad scientist. (We have had a few of them here!)

The projects you are proposing take some technical skills, which you may well have, but we are not mind readers here and you have yet to give any indication of your background as it may pertain to these projects.

Everybody here is here to both learn and to help others. We expect you are one in the same in that regard.

Welcome to the forum.
I can learn any chemical process/formula/reaction and retain it. My education on the matter is more practical than academic. I learn what I need, as I need. I have nothing but free time and some seed money.

I've taught myself mechanics, woodworking, and metalworking. This is just another skill to add.
-self taught from amazing people on youtube
I'm also a new guy who is self taught, and has more free time than most. I am probably a bit mad but I would emphasize the science part. Honestly I think the big guys have analytical methods and economy of scale to be able to make chemicals and salts better than any of us. That, and they have store fronts and connections that means they can sell to say big factories in China or something.
An interesting idea I had, that I am in no way prepared to try, is using copper chloride in solution and reducing it with recycled lithium batteries to produce lithium chloride and then converting that to lithium hydroxide which is stable and can be sold for like 11usd / lb. Good luck selling something without analytical certification though, and also being able to keep up with the demand. I suspect ebay or something might work selling to other mad scientists but I don't know how large that market is.
I have seen electrolysis methods to drop all metals from AR at once. Maybe that is a field you can study next.
I know how to handle waste and proper safety. I'm trying to find a demand for something to offset my initial cost and as a potential source of revenue. I have a bunch of copper, I've already got copper chloride. I was trying to ask if people wanted what size and I'd just mesh screen them down. Not sure why purity is an issue. Pure Cu in pure Cu out, no? There would be no certificates or spec sheets, either my stuff works or it don't. If it don't, I'll fix it. I'm not sure why the lecture was necessary. Just because I'm somewhat new doesn't mean I'm ignorant. This is very specific science. I don't mess with electrodes/currents/electrolysis so I asked for a video on the matter. That was not an invitation for a tirade or scolding. Why couldn't you have just shared the info? I thank you for your information and I'm grateful for it, make no mistake about that.
No offense intended, some things you said triggered me you did not have a lot of experience:
I'd like to recover the silver and copper from my waste. I've found ways to do each but no direct way really. I've got some questions, please and thank you.

How do I collect copper from my mixture of H2SO4/HCl/HNO3/H20? I threw all the heatsinks with gold into that solution

I'm pretty new to chemistry and stuff.
There are ways to atomize molten metal in a stream of pressurized water described here on the forum.
As for some video's on copper sulfate refining:
If you wanna drop everything at once and start over SMB for nitric, then baking soda for HCL. Everything will drop.
SMB will drop the Gold and have some dragdown of base metals and PGMs. It works well in acidic environments. Nitric will not have Gold in it, nor do HCl, only AR and other HCl+oxidizer combos.
For removing all PMs completely not much beats cementing on Copper, then remove Copper by cementing on Iron.
The rest is removed as hydroxides with any Caustic substance to drive the pH up as described in dealing with waste. See the link we have shared.
If it is your hobby to spend time experimenting in the lab go for the copper, but for your business it is not worthwhile unless you process massive amounts of material.
If you want to spend hours to get 10kg worth of clean copper, you have earned yourself 60 bucks.

For example:
You have a 1000 bucks worth of gold bearing material to process. You spend 10 hours to get 90% of it.
The remaining 10% will cost you another 10 hours of refining copper etc.

So the first 90% pays you 90 bucks an hour.
The 10% will get you 10 bucks an hour.