Recovering Black Powder from the Cell - Save Days With This

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Hello members,

I've had the great experience of running a sulfuric cell to recover gold, and it was all good. The problem that I have with recovery of the black powder is the time it takes to recover it. According to a step-by-step method (which is very informative by kadriver) on the first step (step 1), you're told to let the solution settle for at day or more. I've done that and even though it works, that is time wasted (in my opinion). I let mine settle for I think 3 days before I decanted the solution.

The reason for letting it settle is because you can't filter it with a coffee filter because the sulfuric acid will eat right through it. I tested it and it will eat right through the coffee filter. Someone else mentioned that there are special/different types of filter that you could use to filter the solution and get your black powder. I haven't searched for the type of filter talked about, but, I found a filter that works perfectly well and allows you to filter your solution in a matter of hours instead of days.

Trying to figure out what I could use to filter my sulfuric cell, I remembered that I had some pads/filters that I collected last year. I believe they came from old printers that I had. If you open up just about any inkjet printer, you will find a pad inside that is used when helping to clean the head of the print cartridge. Those pads are resistant to sulfuric acid. I've done numerous tests and the sulfuric won't eat through them. Below is a picture of what they look like, or similar.




Below are two pieces used for testing, and as you can see, the sulfuric acid didn't eat through it, even after 3 days now.


When I did this test last night, I had approximately 800 ml of sulfuric solution that was used for in a cell. After making the filter fit into the funnel (you only need just a little bit of it to make a tight fit near the top of the funnel) I poured some solution into the funnel. It took about 45 minutes to an hour for it to start dripping down, but then after an hour and a half, it was dripping much faster, and then faster until it was pouring down instead of dripping. After 2 - 2 1/2 hours at most, I had poured 800 ml of solution through the filter and it was completed, leaving me still, some reside powder from my decanting from before.

Now, if you do it this way, which will save you a day or more waiting for the solution to settle, there are a few things to remember.

a. You don't need much of this filter. You only need enough to roll into a tight roll and insert it in the funnel from the top. Don't put it in the bottom of the funnel, where liquids drip out. The reason is because if the filter isn't snug in the funnel, there's a chance the filter will fall out, like it did to me during my testing.

b. Expect to see the first drop in about an hours time. It will take time for the filter to soak up enough solution to start dripping down. Be patient and just wait.

c. After your solution has finished filtering, you can either scrape out your powder and reuse the filter, or simply use another piece.

d. You can put the filter in rinse water upside down to release the black powder, then after all the powder is removed, simply let the filter dry out and reuse it again.

e. When you have no more powder from your cell, you can add that filter to your stock pile of filters.

With this method I experimented with, all you need to do is let your cell solution cool of for about 30 minutes, then carefully pour the solution into a beaker, a beaker with a pour spout. You CANNOT effectively pour from a cell into a funnel. I tried it and I made a mess the first time I used a sulfuric cell. Once your solution is in your beaker, then all you have to do is pour it into the funnel.

Remember, be patient because it'll take awhile, but it's much faster and better than waiting 24+ hours, and then having to decant the solution. I'm using straight up sulfuric acid and after filtering numerous times, my solution still isn't clear, which means it's hard to tell if all the powder actually settled or not. With this method, you'll remove all the guesswork out of the process. Actually, you'll eliminate the part of letting it settle overnight or longer all together.

I don't have much, but if anyone need a piece of this filter/pad, I can send you some so you can test this for yourself. Just pm me if you need some. Also, if you come across some, let me know.

Oh.... the bigger the funnel, the more solution you can pour in at one time, and the faster your solution will filter.

This is way faster than waiting days to rinse your powder.

lazersteve said:
Very innovative, I like the way you made use of the material you had on hand.

A fiberglass Charmin plug, a plastic automotive funnel, and a vacuum setup will get the job done very quickly as well.

Post with Fiberglass and Charmin Plug

I believe you were the one I read about the different filters to use for filtering the cell.

I give my thanks to you Steve and this great forum. You all have made me use my cranium even more. I love you all. I learn from you all everyday.

My filter of choice is the polypropylene felt or cloth. It works in all kinds of applications and can be cut and heat 'welded' to form various shapes. It is practically impervious to most acids and acid combinations. You can boil it in AR and it keeps on going. You can pass concentrated sulfuric acid through it and it doesn't blink. You can use it for your silver cell basket and it won't fail you. It even comes in varying pore sizes and textures.

Lou can tell you I don't refine without some form of polypropylene at hand. I think I even got him hooked on it.

lazersteve said:
My filter of choice is the polypropylene felt or cloth. It works in all kinds of applications and can be cut and heat 'welded' to form various shapes. It is practically impervious to most acids and acid combinations. You can boil it in AR and it keeps on going. You can pass concentrated sulfuric acid through it and it doesn't blink. You can use it for your silver cell basket and it won't fail you. It even comes in varying pore sizes and textures.

Lou can tell you I don't refine without some form of polypropylene at hand. I think I even got him hooked on it.

Can you provide a link or more to where I could purchase these and even learn more about them?

I bought 3 square meters four or five years ago and still have less than a meter left. I purchased mine off of eBay. Lou mentioned he had made a large purchase of various types of the felt about a year ago, maybe he has some left for sale.

He posted a topic on the subject sometime ago, maybe it will lead you to the post:

Lou Polypropylene Search

testerman said:
lazersteve said:
My filter of choice is the polypropylene felt or cloth. It works in all kinds of applications and can be cut and heat 'welded' to form various shapes. It is practically impervious to most acids and acid combinations. You can boil it in AR and it keeps on going. You can pass concentrated sulfuric acid through it and it doesn't blink. You can use it for your silver cell basket and it won't fail you. It even comes in varying pore sizes and textures.

Lou can tell you I don't refine without some form of polypropylene at hand. I think I even got him hooked on it.

Can you provide a link or more to where I could purchase these and even learn more about them?


I got mine from a dumpster behind a place that refurbished boats, the polypropylene felt is the stuff used for floor covering and usually to cover exposed fiberglass inside the boat.
Great tip Rusty, I live on the coast of Florida and boat shops are a dime a dozen. I know where I'll be restocking my PP at!

lazersteve said:
Great tip Rusty, I live on the Coast of Florida and boats shops are a dime a dozen. I know where I'll be restocking my PP at!


Your most welcome Steve
lazersteve said:
I bought 3 square meters four or five years ago and still have less than a meter left. I purchased mine off of eBay. Lou mentioned he had made a large purchase of various types of the felt about a year ago, maybe he has some left for sale.

He posted a topic on the subject sometime ago, maybe it will lead you to the post:

Lou Polypropylene Search

That doesn't lead me to anything useful, except the fact it leads back to you.

Sorry, I just created the search and posted the results, let me do some digging and get back to you on Lou's offer to sell.

lazersteve said:
Sorry about the first screw up, but hey we are all only human.

I'm glad we both agree on that.

Thanks for the link. It would be nice if they had pictures of each type/style though. I can't tell what I would need/want. You have any pictures of some of what you have?


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