Recovering potassium cyanide

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Sep 26, 2011
Hi guys!
I had this electroplating gold in powder form a couple years ago, I extracted the gold successfully from the potassium cyanide and I've had the cyanide laying around in solution form and now I'd like if possible to convert it back to powder/granulate...
Could I just cook the water off or could the cyanide decompose from the heat?
It would be so much simpler for the recovery center to dispose of, or for me to store, haven't decided what to do with it yet...


Do not stop your research with these links, they will only give some of the details needed, a detailed search into the safety aspects will be paramount to your study.

Study anything you plan on doing thoroughly before even thinking about doing anything.
The Devil and dangers are in the small details.
I would not recommend cyanide recovery, since precipitating the gold
is an oxidation-reduction process, some stinking compounds may form from cyanide oxidation,
Okey, yeah I'm not a chemist so that looks like a bit too much work, especially since I used both electrolysis and zinc extraction the solution is contaminated and I have no idea how that could interact during recovery..
I'll just ask the guys at the recycling center how to handle the jugs.
Thanks for the replies.

There are posts here on the forum that will at least start you on the road to figuring out cyanide destruction (vice recovery). Your local dump almost definitely won't want cyanide, and you'll have to pay for hazmat disposal on your own (special containers, paying for pickup service by hazmat collector, etc.).
Incidentally a bit of a random post here but cyanide actually breaks down under UV light.

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