Recovery of the Palladium

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argonsolucoes said:
the solution has plenty of copper too,

What makes you think the MLCCs had/have palladium in them

BEFORE the mid to late 1990s MLCCs where made with Pd & silver - AFTER the mid to late 1990s MOST MLCCs are made of copper & nickle

The fact that your solution "has plenty of copper" tells me the MLCCS are the ones made AFTER mid 1990s

Therefore it is "likely" they had/have little or no Pd (or silver) in them

To clarify - if the MLCCs came from circuit boards made AFTER the mid 1990s there is likely little or no Pd/silver in them --- that's not an absolute - but more likely

I kinda thought it was something like that, I have studied Boolean logic and have used it extensively, in my work, but have no experience with what you call British logic, is there any relation--?

These questions are answered in your study of safety.
My arms are all scratched up from logging in the woods, I would not want any toxic salts that I can avoid in those scratches if my arms were not all scratched up, I still do not wish to have toxic salts of metals or acids in my face on my hands, in my eyes, in my lungs, in my bloodstream, in my drinking water, in soil I grew food to eat from or that would leach into my well.

I would not worry you most likely not die tonight if you wiped the few drops off your arm, How much toxic metals salt or acid that get past the layer of your hide and into your bloodstream (well it may take time to tell).
I would worry more about understanding the dangers, understanding how to work safely protecting yourself from getting poisoned, your lungs full of liquids (from fumes) how these metals can enter your bloodstream, how the can dissolve in the rain and poison a whole town downriver making them sick, How it can penetrate the building or area you live in and slowly silently poison you...

I would not worry about dying tonight if you wiped your arm off, I would worry more about you harming yourself your family and others by not studying and leaning the dangers and how to take safety precautions and use safety gear, store the chemicals, mix chemicals and metals and not have some glassware blow up in your face, breathing toxic fumes, fill the walls of your work area or home with poisonous fumes or toxic metals.

There are many dangers involved and many things to study to learn to be able to work safely in a chemistry lab, and in a gold or silver refining lab.

we also have more specialty labs that may work with especially dangerous chemistry working with highly toxic metals we can include the platinum group here, radioactive metals, hard to control toxic gases, acids, caustic solutions, organic chemistry labs, medical and disease labs, it takes much more study and an understanding of the dangers as the dangers are higher, precautions and lab safety equipment...

Basically, before mixing metals and acids you need to study diligently, you can make something that explodes, blinds you, destroys your lungs, your liver and whatever other bloody organs you have in your gut, burn you, poison you, make your baby sick or worse...

What we do is dangerous in many aspects your only protection is to educate yourself.
You do not get gold from mixing acids and metals, you get gold from what you know from educating yourself.
You get hurt or harm others by being uneducated and unaware...
The fumes and vapors from these acids and oxidizers we use can easily destroy your lungs, as the vapors enter the lungs the gases turn into acids when they hit the moisture or water in your lung tissues, your lungs fill with liquids and you cannot breathe you drown in these fluids, trying to breathe a breath of air we now take for granted.

Some fumes or vapors we can smell some are silent and we cannot smell them or know when they invade our body, some may even smell good like almonds or something else, some people can smell other people cannot, some are heavier than air and will rise to the ceiling, some cling low to the ground and could kill the dog in the lab but you may not get as large of a dose standing in front of your fume hood,

other gases you may breathe in, and choke on them and go on not noticing anything until the scaring in your lungs are so bad you struggle to get the air or oxygen through your lungs into your bloodstream, and you end up suffering from COPD...
needing medical oxygen or more to survive...

These different deadly toxic or dangerous fumes come from many processes and souces we work with, from dealing with an acid solution to melting salts or salts of metals or ore rock...

The metals like arsenic and other toxic metals even the platinum group mercury lead ... can also be carried in these vapors and work to your destruction, entering your bloodstream is many different ways including through your lungs.

Look Sorrycantseeme,
I am the worst one on the forum to ask these questions, I study and work the best I can to protect myself and my family, I study to ensure I am doing everything I can to be as safe as I can with anything I generate or dispose of.
But I cannot explain all of these different dangers, and (how you can protect to yourself or others the medical facts, what happens to our body as these toxic metals and gases or solutions begin to destroy them or our organs, what-ifs or if-not...............

You will have to do your own study if the members here have not convinced you by now of that fact, then learning chemistry or how to recover or refine metals is not something for you or something you should even think about learning, or trying to do, as you will not profit...

I need to get back up in the mountains and dig.
Sorrycantseeme said:
What a lil splashes on your forearm but u wash it off quick . Will u get sick for sure.?

YES :!: :!: :!: --- BUT - it's not like if you get "little" slash(s) on you today then tomorrow you are going to feel sick

you need to think about it like lead or mercury "poisoning" --- get "a little bit" in your system & it does not go away - it gets in your blood - the blood runs through the organs in your body - then it "settles" in the organs & it STAYS there - because it is TOXIC - it STARTS making you sick - over time you get sicker & sicker

So - instead of living to 60/70/80/90 you die at 50/60/70/80 & the sickness is something you start "feeling" in the last few years of that shorter life

One drop on your skin one time in your life is not something you really need to worry about --- but when you start "working" with it - & you get "a FEW' drops on your skin - each time you work with it - Like I said - it BUILDS up in your body - the more it builds up in your body the shorter it is going to make your life & the sicker you will get as you come to the end of that shorter life

Your skin is like a paper towel - AS SOON as that splash gets on your skin - at least "some" of that slash is absorbed - "into" - the skin - no matter how fast it is wiped/washed off

The blood that then flows to the skin to keep it living then picks it up - that blood then flows to the rest of the body - when it (the blood) flows through the bodies organs - that is where it gets "deposited" & then BUILDS UP

In other words - YES - you are poisoning your self you just don't know it --- YET :!: :!: :!:

Get the picture :?: :!: :?: :!:

Look up the symptoms of a just a few metals that can poison the system. Then think about how it would feel to have to go through that or maybe watch and care for some one you love that has to go through it. The easier option would be to do everything you can to protect them and yourself. The past few years I have watched my wife work hard to take care of me at times from other health issues. That is something I do not wish to add to.
Sorrycantseeme said:
what vapor fills your lungs with fluid , im curious after this little debacle no mas for me!;!!

I'm no doctor, I'm a trained physicist working with computers and dabbling in chemistry as a hobby. A quick googling gave me the result.

It's called pulmonary edema and the fluid isn't coming from the vapor, it comes from your body after the lungs have been damaged. The damage can come from several different sources, breathing in harmful chemical vapors can be one. Hart conditions can also cause problems. Ask your doctor.

If you inhale a lot of toxic vapors over a short time you will probably get what's called chemical pneumonia.

And just as PGM exposure, the damage can be cumulative so what you do when you are 30 could kill you when you are 60.

It's the repeated damage-healing-damage-healing cycles they say cause idiopathic lung fibrosis, which is a progressive and terminal disease but for a transplant.
Hello dear friends
Before discussing this topic, I would like to thank you for all the useful content and experiences that you provide to others.
I have some soil that has already been analyzed and contains palladium, platinum and iridium. There are definitely 3 other members of the platinum family.
I poured 200 mg of soil into the human body and mixed it with hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide and boiled it for about two hours. After cooling, I filtered the solution and reheated it a little, and added about 100 ml of ferrous sulfate solution to it, and after stirring, after 2 minutes, the yellow deposits began to form and settled down to the human bottom. Could these sediments be platinum and palladium? Meanwhile, the color of the upper part of the sediments is still dark brown. If so, tell us how to separate them.
Thank you all dear friends. Farid


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hamedpooya said:
Hello dear friends
Before discussing this topic, I would like to thank you for all the useful content and experiences that you provide to others.
I have some soil that has already been analyzed and contains palladium, platinum and iridium. There are definitely 3 other members of the platinum family.
I poured 200 mg of soil into the human body and mixed it with hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide and boiled it for about two hours. After cooling, I filtered the solution and reheated it a little, and added about 100 ml of ferrous sulfate solution to it, and after stirring, after 2 minutes, the yellow deposits began to form and settled down to the human bottom. Could these sediments be platinum and palladium? Meanwhile, the color of the upper part of the sediments is still dark brown. If so, tell us how to separate them.
Thank you all dear friends. Farid

Farid, welcome to the forum. I'm guessing English is not your native language. You mentioned the human body and human bottom. but I'm sure that's not what you meant. The human body is a person's body (their bones, and muscles, and skin). From the context of your post and the picture I'm guessing you meant a beaker.

You also say you put 200 mg of your "soil" into the beaker. 200 mg is a tiny amount. It's only two tenths of a gram. But from your picture there is quite a bit of precipitate.

Ferrous sulfate is pretty selective for gold. In fact, if you have a solution that contains gold, platinum, and palladium, ferrous sulfate is suggested to precipitate the gold and leave the platinum and palladium in solution, so I doubt the precipitate is platinum or palladium.

I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but I'm not sure what you have.

I filtered the yellow sediments, then put a small amount of it in another Beaker and added a little water on it.Immediately the sediment dissolved, a yellow solution formed, and a small amount of white sediment formed at the bottom of the vessel.What can this be?


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