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Hello Sirs, Everyone, What is best methode to recovery gold, silver, palladiumect from electronic advice , chips??? I check in webside about this:
This device is simply a parting cell which requires your gold and other PM's to be melted into an alloy. This will not work with computer chips or e-scrap.

It has great reviews but likely from users who have the exact type of alloy this machine does well.

Personally. I don't see any benefit, but I'd like to hear others opinions as well.
Please don't double post, I deleted your other identical post. I am sure you will be receiving a list of suggested reading to help you participate on this forum.

Welcome to the forum.
4Metals thank you so much for your informations. So, for your opinion what Is alternative device for my scope with High recovery rate? I want to recovery Au,Ag, Palladio from E-Waste Chips ...
My only experience with recovery from chips has been where the chips were separated when they came in to the refinery, these were granulated and processed in either nitric or aqua regia depending on the target metals.

Larger circuitry (unsorted) were pyrolyzed crushed and sifted. The metallic fractions were smelted into copper based bullion and refined electrolytically and the powders were sampled and shipped to a smelter in Europe.

The hobby or small shop members here are better served with first hand experience to guide you for small lot processing.
In fact I Will start in small scale to understand Better separation/ refining process, so hand experience and small lot processing.
For this reason I check the "


So, I am looking for similiar,alternativa
device to buy in Europe.
In fact I Will start in small scale to understand Better separation/ refining process, so hand experience and small lot processing.
For this reason I check the "


So, I am looking for similiar,alternativa
device to buy in Europe.
What kind of raw material are you planning to run?
And what kind of pre treatment will this involve?
Hello Yggdrasil,
I Will run with following materials: E- Waste as smartphones, computers, and appliances, so generally in electronics boards.
As I would like to understand separation rate of Metals in Electrolytic device and grade of pure Metals ( Gold, Silver, palladium, platinium,ect) I Will start with small lab scale.
My question Is: this device ( Is correct choosen ?
Do you know this device?
Can I find the alternative device in Europe? I have never found any reviews on this device. I have doubts about ordering from this site. It looks like a German device but only sold online from the USA.

Thank you
How do you plan to process your boards? This must be done before using the machine (electrolysis cell).
Hello Yggdrasil,
I Will run with following materials: E- Waste as smartphones, computers, and appliances, so generally in electronics boards.
As I would like to understand separation rate of Metals in Electrolytic device and grade of pure Metals ( Gold, Silver, palladium, platinium,ect) I Will start with small lab scale.
My question Is: this device ( Is correct choosen ?
Do you know this device?
Can I find the alternative device in Europe? I have never found any reviews on this device. I have doubts about ordering from this site. It looks like a German device but only sold online from the USA.

Thank you
As Shark says, this do not tell us much.
How are you going to bring the PCBs to a refineable form?

And starting with a small bowl or beaker will teach you the basics and will be scalable at very little cost.
Dear Shark, for Moment Will be by hand experiment in Lab scale. MY QUESTION IS ABOUT THE DEVICE I ATTACHED,THIS ONE:

Is it credible as a device? Is the seller credible? Has anyone purchased from this site?
We have said it before.
It is a waste of money.
A setup with a bowl will produce the same amount for way less money.
Please do not post this link again or we will classify it as spam!
Your challenge, is to get your feedstock into a form that can be put in to an electrolytic device, not the device itself.
I set up a copper cell with a capacity of electrolyte at 5 gallons. Less the cost of the electrolyte i spent around $150 U.S., this included a power supply, tank, and odds and ends for making electrical contacts and the copper sulfate. A little time spent searching for bargains can save a lot of money, money that can be spent on more material.

Dear Shark, for Moment Will be by hand experiment in Lab scale. MY QUESTION IS ABOUT THE DEVICE I ATTACHED,THIS ONE:
Without knowing how you plan to process the materials, there is no way of knowing if that device will work or not. But, most likely not, based on the description, and the typical way electronic scrap is processed. Based on your questions, refusals to give specifics, I would suggest gaining more knowledge before spending that kind of money, and learn to build simple cells for yourself.

Also, if you’re working at a desktop lab scale, a simple cell in a beaker will answer many of your questions. How the material is prepared can/ will determine the type cell you need. And how to maintain it in operation.
Just to add to Sharks comment.
Where you plan to run it will also dictate how much you will need to invest in fume hoods, scrubbers etc.
Is it credible as a device
The device itself is credible. But I believe you are making some wrong assumptions in your desire to find a machine that will solve your refining issue.

Anything you put into this machine needs to be a conductive metallic alloy. That means you will have to use some type of stripping, AP or otherwise to selectively strip off the metals you want to recover. In order for this machine to work you need to add additional conductive metals to the foils you recover in order to use this machine. In other words, you will be taking high grade foils stripped from circuits and making them low grade just to use this machine.

There are more efficient methods.

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