refining circut boards

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Active member
Apr 30, 2012
I have a bunch of circut boards and have a few issues.
1 can I process the whole board It has gold all over it and in it. No way really to crush the board small enough.They are ir boards with tiny holes filled with gold. Also gold plate on them. Is there a way to disolve all metals and drop only golg instead of harvesting foil.
2 are there any tricks to dropping gold out with smb. When I do it it takes forever. Reaction is slow.
3 will nitric work better in stripping gold out of those little holes. I am currently using HCL on a hot plate and it takes forever. Just to get the gold flakes off.
4 Can I disolve gold with other materials in acid and just pull the gold out.
Thanks in advance
Have you done any research on the forum for what you want to do? There are no secret ways of doing this, it is done by reasearching and learning the processes needed. I will say you sound like you need to stop what you are doing and read the forum a little more.
Over the past year i have jumped in and got over my head and had to stop and re-group. Each type of material requires a different type of process to recover and refine the pm's. I know this is not what you want to hear but a little time and research will do wonders. Hope this helps you.
i used the hcl hot solution to strip foils. noticed the small holes did not clean out (a problem) was reading allot of the forum and saw nothing dealing with this. Just wanted to know if someone knew a better way. also smb reacting slow maybe this is normal. But in reading the forum I get different methods some say strip the gold first. Shor int says you dont hace to. I just wanted to know from someone who has experience with these types of small hole boards how they get the gold out. would rather not use nitric ( kids in the house). Since posting I tried peroxide /hcl with much better results .Stripping gold quickly. So I would like to know a thread where you can dissolve base metals with gold and just drop gold. If anyone can point me to a post I will read it
shel8483 said:
So I would like to know a thread where you can dissolve base metals with gold and just drop gold. If anyone can point me to a post I will read it

Not the recommended way to go about it.
Why would you want to dissolve everything and then try to remove just the gold when you can dissolve everything except the gold, remove the contaminants as a solution (gold recovery) and then dissolve the gold and precipitate it from a much cleaner solution with less contaminants for the gold to 'drag' down with it (gold refining).
As you can see from what I have proposed, this is a two step process, recovery and refining.
Best of luck as you move forward with your research on the forum and in Hoke's book
shel8483 said:
i used the hcl hot solution to strip foils. noticed the small holes did not clean out (a problem) was reading allot of the forum and saw nothing dealing with this. Just wanted to know if someone knew a better way. also smb reacting slow maybe this is normal. But in reading the forum I get different methods some say strip the gold first. Shor int says you dont hace to. I just wanted to know from someone who has experience with these types of small hole boards how they get the gold out. would rather not use nitric ( kids in the house). Since posting I tried peroxide /hcl with much better results .Stripping gold quickly. So I would like to know a thread where you can dissolve base metals with gold and just drop gold. If anyone can point me to a post I will read it
shel. Using (AP) HCL/peroxide will strip all the gold in the form of foils. 2parts HCL to 1part 3% Peroxide. AP is also used to dissolve base metals. As copper goes into solution in creates copper2 and any gold that dissolved in the solution will drop out as black fine powder.
Hope this helps you.
edited, your boards must be free of excess metals and trash.
that makes sence in cleaning the boards i wonder if they have other metals on or in them that no matter how you clean these there may be other metals present plus i have been stripping cell phones for months and have all types of gold plastic situations gold stuck to other metals ect. Like I sais since I went to peroxide hcl it has made foil extraction easier. Also Wilt smb I find my solution getting brown looking but no drop. Was wondering if maybe clorine is still present and will not allow drop properly. It has been sitting outside in the open so I figured the clorine must be gone by now. Any thoughts. Also this is a test run so not allot of gold present. So I dont expect a big drop. but when I look at videos I see immediate reaction/settling. Was wondering if this is just time lapsed.
If the gold solution is clean (no base metals), and the oxidizer used is removed from solution, and the proper amount of precipitant reagent added (SMB), the solution will turn brown and begin to precipitate the gold fairly fast, it is a good idea to let it sit until all of the gold forms as tan or brown powder on the bottom of your vessel.

If the solution is loaded with base metals or tin, the gold may not precipitate well or at all, if oxidizer is still in solution the gold will just re-dissolve.
shel8483 said:
Shor int says you dont hace to.

Shor is wrong & they don't care one bit about your success - they just want to sell you their system/product.

Throw anything they have said out of your head as it is mis-information & will only bring you problems.

Read Hokes book (a free down load here on the forum) take the time to read & study this forum & pay close attention to what the long term members in good standing say - their years of experience is the best you will find anywhere - period.


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