Refining CPU's w/ AP & HCL/Clorox

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After dropping with SMB I noticed that my powder is not red-brown, It is silver white gray in color. Any ideas what is going on here & how should I approach this. Thanks, Joe
Can you post a picture of this?

What color was your solution before you dropped the gold? Sounds like you might have silver cloride in there if you didn't remove it during your process. It could have percipitated when you added the SMB and water.

Steve tell him it's copper. 8)

Can you give us an idea on how much fluid you have to work with and how much of what you processed?
Steve tell him it's copper.
No your right its prob just silver.
To test simply decant and see if it dissolves in water.
If it does,its salts,if not its probabaly
Steve tell him its coconut! :shock:
A bit outdated topic but I thought I would add my 5 öre of worth. :lol:

Sorry guys, not silver. You can't get silver to drop from a chloride solution (Refining CPU's w/ AP & HCL/Clorox)... but you will have a lot of Cu chlorides (CuCl2) in the solution. Excess SMB drops CuCl which is practically insoluble in water.

Wash your powder with HCl and the copper chloride will disappear.

As you have dropped your gold from a dirty solution it would probably need another round of refining to get to high purity if that is what you are looking for.

Today I took the lid off a 2009 Computers CPU (Dell), expecting to find the lid to have a layer of Gold as well as the bottom. Thie CPU lid had NONE?
Whats up with that? I gather by this that the P4 CPU's have less than P2's or P3's?
eaglewings35 said:
Today I took the lid off a 2009 Computers CPU (Dell), expecting to find the lid to have a layer of Gold as well as the bottom. Thie CPU lid had NONE?
Whats up with that? I gather by this that the P4 CPU's have less than P2's or P3's?

Yup, It was probably worth more as a processor than scrap gold.


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