Refining Gold SHOR

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Has anybody used the gold & Platinun refining sytem from SHOR International Coorporation ?

Is it really working as described??
Or is it too nice to be true???
Save your money. You can achieve equal results by simply reading this forum. Virtually all of the packaged kits are not worth the cost of buying. Worse than that is that they hold you captive by selling you overpriced chemical reagents that are generally available for much less money if you know what they are. That information, of course, is never revealed, so they can keep selling their wares to you at inflated prices.

You would be well advised to read Hoke's book on refining precious metal wastes. It will teach you the basics in how to test, and how to refine. Once you understand the principles involved you'll be able to process values with many common household chemicals. That information is readily available here on the forum. Read, read, read!

Yes- what Harold said-, as Ive mentioned a few times, I was going to buy one of the systems due to the lack of info I could find. Luckily, i found this forum and have saved a great deal of money not having to buy the system and have learned a lot of extra pieces to the puzzle they try to sell
I have not tried it, if someone wanted to seems to me from reading this forum over good, all the information to build a unit like Shor or any other seller or video maker ect. is on this site,


probably better and more accurate methods and instructions, and a help and support from more noligable people,
A very wide range of expierience base,

including most all the mistakes a person could possbly run into.
I can fill you in on alot of the mistakes I seem good at them :D

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