Skippy, unless you understand the process or leach I would not experiment.
As I understand the Halides have a series or order similar to the reactivity series of metals, I do not know what they actually call this series (that is just how I think of it now, as I need more education on this), we can oxidize one of these halides with another Halide, like:
Iodide oxidized to Iodine using chlorine to form iodine,(iodide loosing two electrons (oxidize) to from iodine),
Bromide being oxidized to bromine with chlorine.
Iodide being oxidized to iodine with bomine.
I am not very good at understanding all of this yet so I may have mistakes here in what I am saying, maybe do some studying on your own of oxidizing one halogen with another halogen, but also study each of these halogens before just mixing chemicals as the halogens are normally gases and they can form deadly gases easily, please do your homework, do not take some half ashed process you read some place and start dumping chemicals together until you have a good understanding.
Sorry I do not understand this well enough to help.
Keep it safe Skippy; let us know what you learn.
Before I finished typing looks like you have many answers, but I will read these and post my suggestion anyway