Registering Chems With The EPA?

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Active member
Sep 15, 2011
I was poking around online and I'm concerned with the legality of what most of us are doing. Some of the chems used im refining are regulated by the EPA. My question for concern is, are small time guys like me that just operate out of a garage for a hobby required to register chemicals with the EPA?
From the way laws are interpeted in California:
A registered operation doing business as a refinery must register with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and pass a whole bunch of regulations including EPA"s before operations can start.

But as a hobbiest you can run the same operation as a hobby and be exempt from CARB regulations.
Hobby income is classified as supplimental as long as it is NOT your primary source of income.

FYI, If you talk to them you will forever be on their radar. So expect the occasional surprise visit.

This is the way it was explained to me by a friend in the salvage business.

Hope it helps
Tom C.

California is the toughest state as far as exaust stacks are concerned. Even your cloths dryer exhaust must meet air regulations for output.

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