removing gold from a CPU with Aqua Regia

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New member
Oct 9, 2010
Hey Im new to the forum, I recently tried to remove gold from an old CPU with aqua regia, and it went pretty well. I think I had some copper contamination, but I think I can separate that with nitric acid. I used magnesium as a reducing agent because I wasnt aware of any better ones at the time, but ill probably use sodium metabisulfate next time. Since ill be trying this again, I wanted to see if anyone had some helpful suggestions. I took a video of it, its on my youtube chemistry channel, you can see it here: Thanks!

This is the best place for learning how to recover & refine precious metals that you can find & its for free! If you follow the information that our experts share, from their years of experience in this field, you will be safe & succesful in your endeavor.
So I highly recommend you read the information provide by the experts & the expiriences that all of us have gone thru, before you continue your quest. Also download a copy of Hoke's & read it. That way you won't make some of the same mistakes I made because I wasn't better informed.... :roll:
From what I read on your post I see you still lack some vital information. One example is your intention of using sodioum metabisulfATE instead of sodioum metabisulfITE for dropping your gold. So read, read, read!

Again, welcome & have a good one! 8)

Heres a copy of Hoke's book.
It sounds like you have an understanding about chemicals,that most new members do not.So reading her book should be easier for you than most.
Good luck in your ventures and we will always be here to help.
Thanks for the link! Chemistry is my passoin, and I'm pretty well educated in it (check out my youtube chanel if you'd like) so I think ill do ok, though I know I have much to learn.

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