Removing gold from stainless flat ware

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New member
Oct 25, 2015
Hey, this is my first time on your forum. Thank you all.
I have some stainless flat ware that is fully coated in 24 k gold. I am trying to find the best process to remove the gold. I see reverse electroplating as an option but not sure what acid to use. I would appreciate any suggestions that anyone would have.

Thanks again.
Welcome to the forum. For electroplate, a stripping cell / reverse plating cell is a good option. The acid used is sulfuric, but BEWARE! The cell uses concentrated sulfuric acid, which will quickly consume just about anything organic, including your skin. It's probably the process to use, just be sure you study the subject completely before your first attempt. There is another process that can be used on gold plated stainless, but it requires the finesse of an experienced refiner.

But... if you're talking about typical, commercially available gold plated flatware, you'll struggle to recover the costs of setting up and running a cell. Spend some looking around here.

The flat ware came from Saudi Arabia over 30 years ago. It says it is 24K. Where is the biggest expense? Where is the best place to get sodium bi sulfate or is that even what I will need to bring it out of solution?
If that flat ware is really 30 year old Saudi plate, please don't try to process it until you thoroughly research and practice. I'm assuming if it is older Saudi, then it will have some decent yeild.

I'm also assuming that since you are asking about 'sulfate' you will be losing gold if not your life. We use sodium metabisulFITE to reduce gold from solution.

Please take the time (months at the very least) to study what you are wanting to do. The processes involved in the recovery and refining of precious metals are wrought with danger.

You have found the best place in the world to learn this, but please don't rush in to it. The gold will wait!!
I dont know about gold plated stainless , but I have soaked gold plated jewelry in muratic acid until all the gold plating was off the host metal and free floating around in the acid. It can take weeks or months but once the gold foil is off I just pour through a coffee filter and rinse with purified water. Still using acid , and still dangerous....requiring all the safety gear and done outside for ventilation , but easier than any other way I can think of and only uses an acid commonly used for cleaning concrete. This could turn out to be a very slow process for plated stainless flatware but on the positive side its pretty cheap and maybe a little less dangerous than some other methods.

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