Removing Nitrates

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Feb 18, 2015
I have gold powder with 0 ppm Nitrates, but when it is bathed in hydrochloric acid it dissolves. When tested with Stannous Chloride it turns purple, positive for gold. How can I prevent the gold from dissolving in hydrochloric acid?
flid said:
I have gold powder with 0 ppm Nitrates, but when it is bathed in hydrochloric acid it dissolves. When tested with Stannous Chloride it turns purple, positive for gold. How can I prevent the gold from dissolving in hydrochloric acid?

Boil the powder 3-4 times in water then 3-4 times in ammonia and then in water again and see if you get the same results. It should solve your problem.
How can I get rid of residual nitrates from cyanide solutions that are left in the residual metals?
What do you have? A cyanide solution that you have zinced out or a liquid that you have added bleach to to kill the cyanide?

You will get better answers here if you give details, right now you do not appear to know what you want!
Again what did you use with the hydrochloric? Any oxidizer at all? You are leaving out details.

Always heat your powder to a dull red glow (incinerate it) as a precaution to eliminate any organics or salts before you digest it. This may also be the answer to your other question.

If you want to get any meaningful help here you need to be more detailed as to what you have done, all we have to go on is what you say, we need to know what you are seeing and what you did.

This is your second post and both equally lacking. Get it right or you will not last long here.

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