removing pins

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May 1, 2010
can anyone tell me how to remove the pins from the pci slots and memory slots that are mounted to the mother board?

ive tryed to look in forums but wasnt able to find it.

also can the whole motherboard be soaked for base metal removal? them processed for gold? with all pins still on the board?
If you process the whole motherboards you need to start figuring what you are going to do with all the waste. I think it is easier to just sell them for $2 per lb. Then concentrate on the easier and higher yielding
items, like fingers and processors, and the older thick plated pins.
I know that it is hard to accept what Jimdoc suggested but please do.
When I first started messing around with escrap I spent waaaaaayyyyy
too much time removing pins from boards. Now, I just smile when they
get thrown in the motherboard pile because I know that I just saved
myself a lot of time and effort and the pay day will come when the
boards sell. 8)
thanks for the replies, ive tried to look up who buys them and wasnt able to find out.
who buys them at $2 a lb?
This is my buyer;
You should be able to find a buyer in your area.
If you let everybody know where you are located,
someone should be able to direct you to a buyer.
If you are talking about the pins in the slots ( PCI, ISA, RAM ect) I usualy put the board in a vice and heat the back with a torch and pull the whole slot off then nitric the whole thing just like fingers. The gold just washes out . But as I'm a noob and still have yet to get my first button melted this might be an bad way of doing it.

I'm doing it almost the same way as joey does. I use a temperature controlled heat gun to melt the solder and pull the contacts from the main boards....

... but I have come to the conclusion that I get too much e-scrap to get every last piece of visible gold from it. Today I dismantled my first board where I only went for the pin headers and the rest went into the circuit board sale heap. If you have little scrap and a lot of free time then go for the contacts too.

There is an easy way to decide. sit down and make some calculations. Take one contact and pull one pin out. Measure the size of the plated area. Multiply with the thickness of the plating (probably close to 30 u inch) and number of pins. Calculate the value of the gold and compare that with the price you would get if it's still on the board when you sell it to a scrap dealer. Then you have to see how much the chemical cost is to refine it... in the end you wouldn't get much of a profit.
I think that my calculation told me that I got 20-30% of spot value when selling the large ISA contacts with the main boards. It might vary for you depending on current gold price, type of connector and the price you get from the scrap dealer.

My advice is to locate some scrap dealer that is paying for circuit boards, pull the easy gold off and sell the rest to pay for refining chemicals and if you have anything left then buy gold from other members on the forum. :D

I will keep one box of older main boards to work on if I ever get a shortage of e-scrap.

also is the following info in this link is correct right?

i ask cuz the user had only 3 posts. wanna make sure it was all right.

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