Welcome to the forum.
The forum members are good people, and very helpful, the study of recovery and refining precious metals is a vast science, and with different types of scrap it can get a bit complicated.
This work can seem to be very simple to the uneducated in this art, especially if they have just watched a few U-tube videos or read a few papers on this subject, or on the web.
Once they truly begin to learn it, it can seem very complicated, and overwhelming, with so many different methods or processes, and complications to these processes, but for anyone who studies and persists in learning, it does get easier to sort out the overwhelming information in this field of study, a study that you could spend your life in and still not learn all there is to learn about it.
The forum likes to help with that study, sharing what we learn, to those who are willing to spend their time studying, the forum has many books, papers, documents and discussions that will help with your study.
Hoke's book is a great book to start with, her book deals mostly with recovery and refining from jewelry scrap, but the way she teaches in her book you can learn important details which will help in recover and refine from most any type of scrap, once you understand the basic principles, many of the methods of recovery from electronic scrap discussed on the forum were not mentioned in her book, but the principles she teaches are an important part of even those processes.
Anyone wishing to learn to recover and refine precious metals will need to do a lot of study, the field is just so vast, with many details, this is not something you can teach by just answering a few questions, the forum is very helpful addition to this study, the forum members can be very helpful and help point you to where to begin your study and help when you do not understand some complicated points, or have specific questions on a process you are learning. To get better answers, you need to educate yourself on the questions to ask, this helps to get better answers to further your learning.
Something overlooked in the beginning for many people who are uneducated in this field of work or study, is safety; they are unaware of the many dangers involved, the chemistry of metals can produce toxic and deadly fumes, some mixes can become explosive, and solutions which if not dealt with properly can harm you, or others from these toxic metal compounds, chemistry in general can be something very dangerous to work with, and the chemistry of metals is no exception, safety and learning about how to work safely and responsibly, this is an area you should study before you begin work with these dangerous chemicals and metals.
Be safe and have a great time learning this fun and interesting art, welcome to the gold refining forum, the best place in the world to learn it.