Sacramento chemicals

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Jul 21, 2011
I was a little surprised in how difficult it was finding a chemical supply house near Sacramento. Last I checked, I live near gold country. I couldn't even find a place that sold chemicals but wouldn't sell retail. I did find a place that makes chemical warfare agents if anyone is interested. :shock:

I finally found this place in West Sacramento, Sierra Chemical Company . As I mentioned elsewhere, they had just about everything I needed to refine gold. Short of a melting dish I purchased at a lapidary supply everything I need was there. Beakers, test tubes and chemicals. I thing their Bomex ™ glassware is a steal. I purchased a 2L beaker for about $15.

The first time I went there, I asked for ferrous sulfate anhydrous as the picture on their website matched exactly what I knew as copperas. However, the product they brought me was a whitish granular product. Not being quite sure of myself, I went ahead and purchased SMB instead. I did inform them that the picture they had on their website did not match their product.

I went back a week later as I wanted to pick up some ammonium chloride, see if they had and sodium chlorate and pick up the proper ferrous sulfate heptahydrate. I was quite pleased when I checked their website before driving there and seeing they had updated their pictures. It seems like where ever I shop, people just don't seem to care. But they actually listened to me, checked their products and their website and fixed it. Does this save me any money or provide me with any type of value add? Nope. But I will likely take my business to a company like this.

In order to provide factual information, I need to say I am not impressed with the copperas I did purchase. I expected it to be a clean green crystal. This looks like it's been oxidized a bit. But, I think I can work with it and if I was sure of myself, I would have just bought the anhydrous to begin with.

I have no affiliation with this supplier. Just wanted to provide a local supplier to anyone else in the Sacramento area.

hope this helps
"I did find a place that makes chemical warfare agents if anyone is interested."

Hey dgr - will they sell to you - if so can I send you a list of what I want & have you pick it up for me :lol: :lol: :lol: (that way I don't have to give them my name & number) :twisted:

Just Kiding
Thanks dgr,

I too live in the Motherlode and am glad to hear that Sac. actually has a retailer for lab-ware and chemicals, at apparently, reasonabe prices to boot.

I am in dire need of beakers, flasks, test tubes and, well, just about everything and was on the "supplies" link getting hooked into exploring every post of interest rather than focussing on the task at hand. The posts on the use of oxalic acid were very interesting --- gonna have to get some.

Anyway your post, which mentioned Sac., roused my curiosity and got me back on track, I'll be checking out your link as soon as I'm done here. After living in the hills full time for 35 years, I'm loathe to commit myself to a drive that will expose me to more than three or four stop lights (gotta drag me off the hill, kicking and screaming), but perhaps I can "cowboy up" and combine a few long over-due forays to the valley.

Thanks for the info and for serving to "reground me."

Regards, Lance

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