I think we can all tell that his system is in fact, not safe. There is no way it could be safe given the equipment that is being used. That doesn't take away from the fact, even though the equipment is cheesy, that the idea to bring all those parts together was brilliant.
Putting something together really fast, and claiming it works without testing until failure is a bad way to start a business. The parts in this system will fail, and when they do there is going to be problems and issues with gasses in an enclosed area. It''s one thing to take a risk with your own life, that is just stupid but you are not hurting anyone else. It's a totally different thing to risk the lives of other people, just to make a profit.
Truly, if you care about your customers well being, you should design a system that is safe. You shouldn't sell this to anyone, specially people that do not even understand enough to know how deadly and dangerous the processes are.
You should also be more clear on what type of material this system can process
These are only my opinions, when I say "you should" it's what I think and feel, but I am not demanding you do so.
I like it that you were so ingenious in your design, I think it's really interesting how you cobbled together equipment, but still it's Jerry Rigging. And dangerous, and I feel if you had any morals or integrity that you would take it off the market until you can speak with some of the engineers on this site, who have worked with these types of processes, so that you can better develop your idea. Until that time, until you can honestly answer concerns of Pro's on this site, until you can do things correctly you shouldn't be doing anything at all.
Just my opinion, hope I don't offend, and all the rest of the disclaimers.