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Searching for Gold Refiner in North East

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New member
Nov 1, 2013
My group has recently started importing gold from Mexico and Ghana Africa
Can anyone recommend a refiner that might accept gold from outside the US?
Wasn't this discussed just last week?

People will never learn that "A fool and their money are soon parted" especially with African gold :shock:

If this can happen to the Saudi's what makes you so sure you will make a profit :?:
JamesNReed said:
Hi All,

Does anyone on here buy palladium? Would appreciate a contact number.



As nickvc pointed out - Lou would be your man - he is one of the moderators & has a post in this thread (second post in thread) send him a PM

Can anyone recommend a reputable platinum group metal buyer. I have some material that I sent to 3 different processors smelters and got 3 different answers. #1 says palladium and rhodium. #2 says titanium oxide and iron. #3 says nickel with selenium and chromium. #1 only takes recycled metal. The 3 samples came from the same batch of material and were 11.0 grams each. Sorry but I do not have the equipment yet to reach 130 degrees C while being forced to work outside in the wintery weather. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.
I think you need to find someone who will give you an honest assay of your materials, not a buyer or someone who would have an interest in the materials.
Or just sell it to the guy who says you have palladium and rhodium (my guess is he was not willing to buy it).

At this point you do not even know what you have.

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