I think what PreciousMexpert's question pertains to is the power supply adapter connections.
They should be in parallel. That is, the same terminal on camera 1 and camera 2 should both go to one terminal on the power supply adapter, and the same opposite terminal on each camers should go to the other terminal on the power supply.
If the terminals are marked + and -, then its a DC supply, and both + terminals on the cameras should be connected to the + terminal on the power supply. Same with the minus.
If it isn't marked for polarity, then it's probably AC. If it is AC, it might still have "hot" and "common" terminals, and at least the common should be marked "Com." Sometimes different color terminals or even screws are used.
So, if there is a difference between the terminals, keep them same to same.
If there is no difference in terminals or markings, then connect left screws on the cameras to left screw on the power supply, and rights to right.
If it smokes when you plug it all in---unplug it quick (duh!) 8)