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Selling a kilo dory bar

Gold Refining Forum

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Jan 17, 2011
I wanted to ask if you had a 2.5 kilo dory bar that is 98-99% pure gold are you better off selling it to a company like you mention or trying to take this to a large refinery like ASARCO ir JM like salt lake city? I traded some trucks for the gold it came out of ghana and am trying to figure out the best way to get the best price. Heck who would pay the best price?
If you haven't done so, the first thing I would do is run, don't walk, to your nearest assayer. Many precious metals scams coming out of Africa.

Post the dimensions and the exact weight and we might be able to save you an assay charge. If the dimensions are uneven, try to give the average dimensions.

If it's real, I would probably send it to ARA, in Dallas (aragold.com). They pay 98% and many of our members ship to them and deem them honest.

Is ASARCO still in business?
I know JM's smelter in Utah just petitioned to be allowed to release more chlorine into the atmosphere. (Have a friend out in Provo).

I'll buy the dore bar on assay. It's just a kilo?


EDIT: it's from Ghana? Didn't read that carefully enough. For what it's worth, it's dore.
Have fun most of Ghana's gold is fake sellers fake bars fake everything for the slight .000000001 percent chance its real no refiner will touch it because it will need whether your in Canada or the USA a certificate of Origin to make sure your not dealing with illegal Gold I would buy if its real but i have delt with Ghana for years and its hard and next to no fun. Oh and once you have the money from a refiner and they let the government know where the gold came from you will have to worry about your accounts being frozen and investigated

sorry for the direct comments but its the truth have many years experience there is only money to be made in west africa for experts

Most of the african nations got more than they barganed for when they let the chinese infect their country. I was in the export and import business for 30 something years. I know the problem they have real well in africa and this bunch delivered to me by hand. its was legal and they had a valid export liscense and paid their export tax. I am considering keeping it as I think your gonna see gold and especially silver skyrocket in fall 2011. If I had alot of it I think I would take it to DUbai and form a Dubai Corporation to avoid the hassel. It is a hassel.
I will buy it then I'm in Toronto inpatient right after assay cash or wire to any account any where in world if you could arrange 50 kilos a month and up I will take it at a small discount I'm set up to buy up to 250 kilos a month

Please email me at [email protected]

I have been in the rough diamond and gemstone business for years
Did you get more than you expected for your goods? How did this deal come about? Did you know these people before the deal? Are you real sure you have gold?
Sorry but we have all heard it before and I for one will be amazed if you haven't been suckered....I pray for your sake I'm wrong.
This is one about African gold but with happy end.

Maybe your story is the second one I ever heard with happy ending. How did you assayed or checked gold purity?
I have a great little girl friend that is a metalurgist and geologist. I have sold them equipment in the past, Done alot of Compensation trade deals over the years and they were in America and decided to pay me a visit. I really thank everyone for their ideas I think I am gonna hang on to this in the lock box for about 8 months and then decide what to do with it.
Every time it changes hands, it will need to be assayed, right? What a hassle.

If you want to keep physical gold, you should just exchange it for gold Maple leafs right now.

Just curious---Do these guys always fly around with 5 1/2 pound bricks in their pockets? If they wanted to shop in the U.S., why don't they just sell it in Africa and do a wire transfer? Or bring cash? Why pay to ship trucks back to Ghana, when they could buy some that are made in Africa?
vennerip said:
I have a great little girl friend that is a metalurgist and geologist. I have sold them equipment in the past, Done alot of Compensation trade deals over the years and they were in America and decided to pay me a visit. I really thank everyone for their ideas I think I am gonna hang on to this in the lock box for about 8 months and then decide what to do with it.
Can we see a picture of the gold?
patnor1011 said:
This is one about African gold but with happy end.

Maybe your story is the second one I ever heard with happy ending. How did you assayed or checked gold purity?

ROFL. Larry, Curly and Mo must have been in the back ground on this one. :twisted: