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Selling Rhodium Precipitants

Gold Refining Forum

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New member
Feb 25, 2009
Attalla AL
Does anyone have any good advice or experience on where to sell Rhodium precipitants? For example 75 pct rhodium and 25 pct. gold with a little of other pgm's present and the powder is not really in 'metallic' form, but is sort of like particles of sponge. I'm more interested in just getting it sold than I am in who is paying the highest price. Then I can reinvest the cash into some better equipment and chemicals.

Lou might can help you. What did this come from ?
Might call Multimetco in Anniston and ask them, They have a full lab setup there.

Welcome to the forum.
Anniston is pretty close down the road. Thanks. Stuff I have is some pretty dirty gypsum ore. It was probably a land locked part of the receding sea a long time ago that also had a hydrothermal area in it. Its got some rhodium and gold in it with some nickel and copper and a lot of iron. It's hard to do more than surface leach the stuff since it's reallly plaster of paris with pm salts in it.
I think you'll find a lot of people quickly lose interest when you say there's no comment about where you've sourced this material.


1.) Not knowing from where it came, one is more likely to be incredulous and doubtful about these rhodium precipitates.
2.) The seemingly disingenuous nature of that comment makes me suspect theft or diversion, which is something that many people want no part of!!

At this point, you're probably thinking, well, what business is it of theirs where I got it from? Well, if I were buying it, it becomes my business to know where it came from and whether or not it was legally obtained.
Lou said:
I think you'll find a lot of people quickly lose interest when you say there's no comment about where you've sourced this material.


1.) Not knowing from where it came, one is more likely to be incredulous and doubtful about these rhodium precipitates.
2.) The seemingly disingenuous nature of that comment makes me suspect theft or diversion, which is something that many people want no part of!!

At this point, you're probably thinking, well, what business is it of theirs where I got it from? Well, if I were buying it, it becomes my business to know where it came from and whether or not it was legally obtained.

Exactly. :|
butcher said:
wasn't he talking about Ore?

I'm not sure. I don't think I’ve ever seen 75 % Rh - 25 % Au ore ? Thats why i ask its origination. I don't need GPS coordinates i was just wondering where in Alabama or elsewhere it could have came from. It's the mystery aspect behind it that throws red flags.
Rhodium said:
butcher said:
wasn't he talking about Ore?

I'm not sure. I don't think I’ve ever seen 75 % Rh - 25 % Au ore ? Thats why i ask its origination. I don't need GPS coordinates i was just wondering where in Alabama or elsewhere it could have came from. It's the mystery aspect behind it that throws red flags.

There was a short documentary about gold in Alabama and there was mention of this in the clip. I think it was a youtube clip someone poted here. AHHHHHHHH the plot thickens. :twisted:

Is there a storm in Alabama???? Do I see the lost pot of gold???Whats that mixed in with it..HMMMMMMMM 8)
I did say it was precipitant from ore. I still have no comment about where it's from. As for a pig in a poke it has been one of the hardest things to refine that I could have imagined. I have found that there are a lot of things about the precious metal industry that aren't documented very well or widely. I've never heard of gypsum ore having any real values in them worth recovering, but I have found out different. Some of you that are interested in processing ore could take the broad hint about gypsum deposits associated around known gold producing hydrothermal areas and possibly do some good with it someday if you keep your eyes open. As far as Lou mentioned needing to know the source just to be on the safe side of getting involved in something stolen, I suppose he and other refiners would be less worried if they were getting concentrates by the pounds. I don't know of anywhere you can walk in and steal a few pounds of rhodium at a time.
ulyczz said:
I don't know of anywhere you can walk in and steal a few pounds of rhodium at a time.

Exactly ! I don't know of anyone, nor have i ever heard of anyone having that much maybe beside J.M. Matt

So all the sudden someone can find that type of concentration in an ore ?
Good argument--if pounds of high grade rhodium material came in, I sincerely doubt that I'd be myself doubting the supplier! However, from my perspective, rhodium is not something most people encounter often, still far, far, far, far less in any appreciable quantity in ore. Normally, it is something people wish to find in ore, but reality says that you get it as a result of other processes. (Look at Sudbury, PGMs are byproducts of the electrowinning/refining of nickel).

Sorry to jump you, but more often than not many people chasing rhodium are in fact chasing their tails.
ulyczz said:
I did say it was precipitant from ore. I still have no comment about where it's from. As for a pig in a poke it has been one of the hardest things to refine that I could have imagined. I have found that there are a lot of things about the precious metal industry that aren't documented very well or widely. I've never heard of gypsum ore having any real values in them worth recovering, but I have found out different. Some of you that are interested in processing ore could take the broad hint about gypsum deposits associated around known gold producing hydrothermal areas and possibly do some good with it someday if you keep your eyes open. As far as Lou mentioned needing to know the source just to be on the safe side of getting involved in something stolen, I suppose he and other refiners would be less worried if they were getting concentrates by the pounds. I don't know of anywhere you can walk in and steal a few pounds of rhodium at a time.

Pardon me for jumping in, however can I ask if you have checked the ore/precipitant for dangerous elements like arsenic, which I understand can sometimes can be naturally occurring. For instance, arsenopyrites can contain gold and other PMs but the arsenic can be quite dangerous. (note I am not an expert, just a long time reader of this board).

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