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Shor Acid Resistant Vacuum and Transfer (ARVT) Pump System

Gold Refining Forum

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Well-known member
May 18, 2009
Here they claim that you can transfer and filter your acid
without ever handling the jars of acid

When a person refines indoors ,even with a good blower he will be exposed to acid

This pump is about $4,000

Question 1
are there other places that sell this for less
It seems like it is very expensive

Question 2
What happens when you have to used a different kind of acid
I guess you have to rinse the pump
A place I worked had one of those high dollar Shor pumps. It did work great with aqua regia, probably better than most any other pump I can think of. I just could never understand why anyone would want to pump aqua regia. In 40 years, I never found any need to do so.
The Shore ARVT Pump looks like a reverse engineered pneumatic air motor used on large trucks and other large machinery windshield wiper motors.
Looks to be a simple air over hydraulic cylinder. Likely made of PVC or CPVC. Perhaps Viton O-rings. An Intermatic pulse timer. A solenoid valve. A pneumatic speed control (not pictured). And a couple chemical resistant check valves. I suspect any local machine shop could fab this for you at a fraction of that cost.

Harold, If you were still in the business what would your tool shop estimate be for such a device?
qst42know said:
Harold, If you were still in the business what would your tool shop estimate be for such a device?

Not nearly enough information for even a rough guess. Sorry.


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