Silver Purifying using peroxide?

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Jul 26, 2021
Recently someone told me that I can purify silver using peroxide, the step wasn't really clear but he highlighted that silver mixed with peroxide and when it dissolve. Then using fertilizer (He said it was urea fertilizer, I wasn't really sure) To make precipitate.

Another method is instead of using fertilizer, he uses KCN instead. I know cyanide is used widely for cyanidation process, but I'm not sure if it can work like that
I was wondering that too. From what I know silver will from precipitate in H2O2.
Apologies if it was not clear. He was saying he mixed a fertilizer to the mix. I'm not to sure myself too
I know that silver is a high density like gold. The fertilizer I know is iron sulfate. It is a fertilizer and will drop gold. I don't know if it will drop silver when precipitated.
Adding a sulfate to silver nitrate will precipitate silver sulfate. But I don't think it will make it a lot easier to get refined silver out of the process. For example, lead will follow the silver in that path.

It's easier to make fine silver by precipitate silver chloride and wash it well with boiling water, that could produce some fine silver if done right.


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