Silver, What ever U want to call this!!

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2011
This is the stuff from the pork rind business..I was told to put it in crock pot to evaporate it down..This is what i was left with, A black tar like mess!! I no there is silver in it just dont have a clue what to do with it...It is a silver nitrate solution that it was in..Any help or suggestions??


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I am no longer doin it this way...I am now siphoning the liquid to other barrells until i get to the last 3-4 inches..than I am collecting the silver mud..
jjohio said:
I am no longer doin it this way...I am now siphoning the liquid to other barrells until i get to the last 3-4 inches..than I am collecting the silver mud..

You keep calling this silver mud, have you actually tested any of it? Or are you going by the color and what you have been told about it? Its hard to follow completely with the posts disconnected.

Jim, what would be the best way to test it?..Can i put small amount in nitric or is there better way??
melt a small amount of what you have now in a melting dish or crucible with equal amounts of borax and sodium bicarbonate. if it is silver the button will form at the bottom of the slag.
Geo, took some of this ''mud'' mixed it with baking soda and borax like u said...melted it in oven, poured it in my mold..All i got was a chunk of orange material...Im assumming the borax?? I guess im back to square one...I am positive this stuff is silver nitrate solution from the pork rind factory..Would the mud just be junk and the silver still in solution?? Or would this mud not be elemental silver? ANY help from anybody would be greatly appreciated!!
did you break the chunk into pieces. any metal will be locked inside. it needs to have been brought to a near white hot state. do you have a torch? bust the piece with a hammer and see if any metal shows up. it will be small, smaller than a BB.
Geo, I redid the procedure and melted...same thing happened, just a chunk of black junk...busted it up good and nothing...I filled up a milk jug of the solution, stuck a copper pipe in it..ill wait a few days and see what happens!!

I would like to help if I can.
But I am very confused as to what you have or what you have done, none of this in this thread makes any sense to me, and from what I have read in it I would not advice you to melt anything unless I knew more about it.

You speak of adding something from a pork rind factory to a crock-pot and evaporating it down, what was this it makes no sense, was it sodium metabisulfate? Was it a nitrate? Or nitrite? (There is big difference in last two chemicals, and what the would do in solution)

And you speak of a silver nitrate, so it sounds like at some point you had silver in nitric acid, I see no mention of acid in your post.

Also you say this should have silver metal in it, how do you know this? What metals or other things were processed, what steps have you taken, chemicals did you use?

None of this thread makes any sense to me, and I would not advice you to melt anything, unless it did make more sense to me.

Please explain in detail what you have and what you have done, so maybe we can help, without these details it seems a waste of time to give advice.
Maybe I missed where the real details of the materials and process involved was written if so please refer to me where I can read it and maybe me or others can help you better.
this is the second thread on this material. jjohio made a thread describing some material he received from a pork factory. he was told it was silver nitrate and ask if anyone had heard of it being used in meat packing plants. i told him, that as a matter of fact it is used in meat packing plants as a disinfectant. he says there is mud in the bottom of the barrel he received and wanted to know if it might contain silver. then he started this thread about how to reclaim the silver from this material.
I was with Butcher on this one until you filled in the blanks geo. I remember this coming up before.
Geo thank you for helping with details, and I do not know if your melting steps would work, it is very possible they would, as I am unsure what else the “MUD” is, either one of our solutions to this problem may work, and I am not trying to step on any body’s toes here, and I will just give some Idea How I may try and handle this hog fat “Mud”.

Silver nitrate is soluble in water, or dilute nitric acid, the picture, and the materials in the jar, what is that cooked hog meat, or silver and hog fat?

Silver nitrate could be brought into solution, you could test to see if silver was actually in the solution, after filtering if the solution had silver, by taking a sample of solution and add HCl, a white cream or white curds would prove silver, silver from solution could be cemented on copper, as fairly pure silver.
If oils or hog grease was involved that should also be dealt with, the evaporation down to mud would have helped, and incinerating the mud would be my next step.

At this point I think I would dry what you call mud, incinerate red hot, (you can test a sample of this powder before proceeding), get silver into silver nitrate solution filter and then go from there.

I would not skip testing steps, as you could just be cooking hog fat for nothing.

My idea on this other members may have a different approach.
Geo is right on...this is silver nitrate used as disinfectant..has no acid in it...The liquid has like a pink tint to it and gets a little foamy when poured into a bucket..I have no clue what the mud is at the bottom of each 15 gallon barrel..Im thinking it is some waste of some sort..Ive melted just the mud and the mud with baking soda and borax with no luck..My friend who works for a environmental place picks this up from the factory to dispose of..It is considered hazardous waste and cant just be dumped down a drain or anything...There is silver in it, just have to figure out how to get it out and melt..I can get 30 gallons per month so im hoping to figure it out.. I will try to post pics of the mud in the barrel..Right now I have copper in a milk jug with some of the solution to see what happens..I will post pics tomorrow of that too..Thanks, JJ
Butcher.. The pic of the stuff in the quart jar is from 15 gallons of that solution...I kept crock pot on low and added to it daily until it was left with that black tar like syrup..My friend is the one who told me to do that, and than melt it at that point...Im thinking he was way wrong!!
Also after comparing nitrite to nitrate it makes me wonder...Sure sounds like it would be a silver nitrite more than a silver nitrate..Im gonna have to have my friend double and triple check with this company to see what this is for sure!! He has it labeled as silver nitrate but im questioning it now..If it is nitrite and not nitrate maybe that is why im having troubles..Again ill post pics tomorrow
Got a text back from friend..It is 10% solution of silver NITRATE...Company makes rinds and deal only with pig skin,not a whole hog..There is no blood in this..The only info he has and gets is it is used as disinfectant... Yes im sure it has contaminants, but see nothing close to any skin or fat...ANY help or tips Butcher would be greatly appreciated or by anyone else...If your interested I could send pics via text, or post more on here...thanks, JJ

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