small Gold Mining in Papua New Guinea

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New member
Apr 15, 2014
hi, i want to ask everyone about small gold mining in papua new guinea,
i have a brother who is in Papua new guinea doing business and the local people bring him
many gold ores and gold sands. papua new guinea has lots of gold mines.
i want to know how hard is to get gold from gold ores and gold sands?
which processes will be best for getting gold from these source?
the local people do not have machines to extract gold, sometime they use mercury but they are all in small scale.
is any one who is interested we might able to work together.


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try the search bar in the upper right

type in:
gold ore
extract gold ore
and what ever you think will help you/

i tried it and got 4000 + hits thats a bunch of answers with no waiting for someone to reply
Money never goes looking for people. If what you are saying is accurate and I'm not saying it isn't, the fact that there are many gold mines in the area leads me to believe that there should be many people there that knows how to extract the gold without needing or even wanting help from outside. Understand that in my time here on the forum, I've seen a lot of gold scams that start out just like this. I'm not saying that this is a scam but from the small amount of information you provided, it looks very suspect.
Hi friends !
How come these post never start out......"Hi ! I'm from xland and gold is laying all over the place and my prtner and I wan't to send our gold ore to one of you to refine. You take your cut and send the rest back to us. If the situation was real and honest, that's how it would be instead of all the drama, middle men, etc.
If that's actually gold in those pics, then there is enough there to interest every major gold mining company on the planet to the place those rocks came from.

Just guessing but there would be more gold in that ore than any other ore site on the planet.

The locals nor your brother would need to be looking for anyone to help with gold extraction.
like Geo has said be careful! with that said you will need to have some assay's done on your material to see what the best method for processing would be.
Is the gold alluvial or hard rock? are their any other precious metals in the ore? Any PGM's?

Find out what is in the samples with an assay first.
bluefox, that looks like it is a pyritic type of ore consisting of iron and copper sulphides. It could well contain gold in paying quantities but you might want to confirm that as a fact before you expend too much further effort. I have a friend who takes just a small amount of that material ( a few grams or less), beats it as fine as possible on a steel plate with a steel hammer, puts the pulverised material into a test tube, adds a few drops of AR, lets it react with some mild heat applied until all the fizzing, etc. is done. Then he takes a piece of absorbent tissue and gets it wet with the liquid in the test tube. Then he puts stannous chloride solution on the paper. Quick and dirty but it works. If you don't get the positive stannous result, you are wasting your time. If you don't know what stannous is, use the search function.
Assuming you are certain this is worth your time and effort,
I think what you'd want to do is to crush it ( as you seem to have done with the stuff in the glass jar) and improvise something along the lines of what solarsmith has done to build a flotation device of some sort. Naturally the tools available to you might well be different than what is available in Colorado but the idea would be the same. And no doubt the soap or oil that you use to create a froth (sea of soap bubbles) would be different too. Just try what you have.
Then you'll have a concentrate. What you might be able to do with that, I'm not sure. One step at a time I guess.
Welcome to the forum. I don't think you are a scammer but rather a local who is trying to derive an existence in his own neighborhood. Nothing wrong with that and I only wish I could be more help. You never offered to send anything to anybody, nor did you request investors. Please don't be offended by some of the responses you have received. They indicate more about their respective authors than they do about you. The suggestion to search and read previous posts is a good one and you will find many interesting ideas. Perhaps you can adapt one or more to your situation.
One other thing bluefox.
It has been shown in Colorado since the 1860's that mercury does NOT work on these types of ores. It will NOT extract the gold under any set of circumstances. The old-timers literally used every possible combination of roasting, grinding, steaming, etc. until they had to concede.
So at least save yourself that deadend.
Good luck,
About 10% of the population in PNG relys on gold mining as an income. I came close to going there about 7-8 years ago. I was to manage a large alluvial gold refinery. Had my shots, passport, visa, the whole bit. It fell through. Very, very primitive place.

They are 11th in world gold production according to this. PNG is about 1/20 the area of the US.
The whole area is gold rich it's there ok but never think its cheap to buy as that's nearly always the start of a scam, nowhere on the planet is gold cheap everyone knows its value.
Not to disagree with Nickvc, or others as they have said it well.

But not everyone knows golds value, many often think they will get rich and spend more money (or resources) than the gold is worth to gain a profit and lose what they have, education and knowing the value of gold, and knowing for sure what value it contains is important, even knowing a material contains gold still does not make it that valueable, if you cannot recover the gold from the material, and do so at a profit.

Miners, scrap buyers, who are uneducated can spend time, money and resources, thinking they can make money on a material that is not valueable as they percieve or are lead to believe, also without education they may not be able to recover what they have.

Education, is the key, testing to know if the material contains gold, and being able to recover the gold profitably.

Gold, or prospects of gold are very often over valued, education is the key.

Nobody gives their gold away, or try to sell it for less than its value, but many will try to give you their gold at a much inflated price than the material is worth, or sell you some worthless material, leading you to think you will be rich in gold.

Gold can make a man poor, or rich, education can help to keep you from becoming poor trying to put gold in your pocket.

Education is the key.
The guy posted once, right after he joined the forum, never replied to any of our posts. Guess he didn't find any fish willing to bite here. :lol:

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