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Oct 10, 2017
Just got a electric smelter. Using Chapman flux and thinner. I keep losing the gold and I don't know why. I believe it's in the mix. Sometimes I make buttons fine. Other times just slag and you can see gold is stuck on bottom of crucible. I'm really wasting good gold now. Not just fines flakes of known 22kt. Please help still new at this
More details please!

Are you smelting ore or melting metallic gold?
What exactly are you putting into your furnace?
Any pictures on the slag and crucible?

Actually mostly ore. Id post pictures but camera is smashed. I do melt some placer but mostly hard rock gold. Using Chapman flux, thinner. Crucible is a 1kg with 110 electric furnace. Had heat at 1075 c for 1 hour and about 4 table spoons of material
Well I had it assayed and had a success making button. So then had it tested itself. Which also the gold known in my area is from iron ore and is also 22k. Also have Vermont ore at 23kt... very nice stuff. Very pure
Also I have copper,silver,trace of platinum (b.c glacial) I assume. Ore I had assayed was 3 oz to the ton. Silver 1/2 ,platinum .18, copper 2.
I started about 8 months ago. Mined pyrite for 2 months as well as a bunch of different fools gold lol. So much to learn on the subject. I work sun up till sun down then research 4 hours a night. I'm dedicated and I absolutely love it. I been a mechanic and build race cars for a living so I like to use my head!
Keithnhra said:
Well I had it assayed and had a success making button. So then had it tested itself. Which also the gold known in my area is from iron ore and is also 22k. Also have Vermont ore at 23kt... very nice stuff. Very pure

I don't really think you would call gold in an ore "22k" or "23k"
Nuggets yes, ore no. Ore would need to be refined.
Id like to see this 22-23k material.
Have a picture or three?

Maybe this is a negative nancy way to think, but..
-Is some guy selling you this ore?
-Were you magically able to get a nugget out of it the first time, and maybe the 3rd or 4th time after you mentioned your problems to the seller?
-Where and how was this assayed? Did you get a print out, or a screen shot, or just verbally told?

Hopefully I'm way off, and thats not the case, but... Something seems a bit off.
I should say the flakes /placer were placer. The only success I had melting a button was 22k. Like I said with ore melting I am having issues! Are you just trying to be a keyboard warrior or do you know how to melt ore? Idk about you but I was just cleaning up bedrock cracks in a rather challenging spot for the last 9 hours. Not really in the mood for someone trying to call me a fool. I asked a question if you can't answer please respect me as we are strangers and that is the proper way men should be!
*flakes were placer and picker obviously which was tested several times . Button tested obviously after I made it.
I am from a area with massive glacial deposits in the Berkshires. I also have native gold in bedrock. Which many have been looking for since 1870s. Issue now is gold mining in this area is completely new to people. They know nothing. Aside from few jewlers who helped me identify few historic spots that's all they know about raw gold. So trial and error has been my reg. I can say my last attempt left slag almost like oil in water looks.
Keithnhra said:
I should say the flakes /placer were placer. The only success I had melting a button was 22k. Like I said with ore melting I am having issues! Are you just trying to be a keyboard warrior or do you know how to melt ore? Idk about you but I was just cleaning up bedrock cracks in a rather challenging spot for the last 9 hours. Not really in the mood for someone trying to call me a fool. I asked a question if you can't answer please respect me as we are strangers and that is the proper way men should be!

I didn't call you a fool, I just question some of your wording.

This would get more answers in the "Prospecting, Mining, Ore Concentrates & Geochemical"
as the rest of the forum is mainly about e-scrap and jewelry precious metal recovery.
The people that can help you may only check that section when they are here.

If you ask, a moderator will move this thread there.

It appears you have exhausted all the attempts made by members trying to help you. When it slips into the accusations like you called me a fool, nothing useful ever follows.

I am afraid without more information on your part, which will include photographs of this material, there will be little more that can be done to help you. If you have invested the time to gather this material, to purchase an electric furnace and find out about and acquire Chapman flux, I would think the effort required to post some actual photographs would be in your best interest. Up until now you have posted 10 times on this thread and given little useful information. The assistance you will get here will benefit you in getting to the bottom of this so if you are serious pony up some pictures, otherwise don't hold your breath.
Yeah, I'm a keyboard warrior and I have never smelted ore. On the other side I have been on the forum for over ten years and read every thread. I have visited 5-10 active hard rock gold mines (hard to say a definite number, only four were primarily gold, the rest complex ores), two recovery plants and one large smelter.

I've seen gold in pyrite but never in bog iron.
This is gold on pyrite that I have in my collection.

I know what information people who could help you probably need to know. By asking it they doesn't have to and could go directly to give good advice.

Apparently it was not appreciated so I won't bother you with any more questions.

Keithnhra said:
I am from a area with massive glacial deposits in the Berkshires. I also have native gold in bedrock. Which many have been looking for since 1870s. Issue now is gold mining in this area is completely new to people. They know nothing. Aside from few jewlers who helped me identify few historic spots that's all they know about raw gold. So trial and error has been my reg. I can say my last attempt left slag almost like oil in water looks.


I'm still a noobie here and to gold refining. But, I'm definitely not a noobie to placer mining.

It has been my experience here on GRF that the knowledge is vast and is forthcoming if you treat everyone with respect. I admit that the experienced ones seem to get a little “cranky” now and then, but I saw nothing in anyone’s responses to you that that was disrespectful.

I know what it’s like to spend 9 hours plus in a cold environment and cold water winching boulders and dredging for gold. I also know what the feeling is like when you hit the last foot of hardpan just above bedrock and the gloom of tiredness is lifted by the light reflecting from natural gold flakes and nuggets.

Peace, brother. Try again. It sounds like you are in a unique position and area. Give me and the others some pics and more respectful info. and we’ll all help. :)

I admit that the experienced ones seem to get a little “cranky” now and then

That comes from consantly being asked to answer questions without enough background information. Admittedly it wears on me. But when presented thoroughly and thoughtfully you will be helped. We can almost guarantee that!
4metals said:
I admit that the experienced ones seem to get a little “cranky” now and then

That comes from consantly being asked to answer questions without enough background information. Admittedly it wears on me. But when presented thoroughly and thoughtfully you will be helped. We can almost guarantee that!


My remark wasn't directed to you or your comment. Sorry if you thought so.

You have the patience of Job. I would be climbing the walls if I was expected to moderate a forum. I've raised four very successful children already. My patience veneer has been worn thin.

Peace to all on this gifted GRF forum! :D

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