SnCl Test solution questions

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2012
So I am douting my stannous . It seems to be detecting light Pd but no Au. I do have a lot of copper my HCL/Cl. But I made a 5ml batch of it and eye balled 1/6 of a gram of Sn. I have a gram also but don't want to waste it if I can understand if how stannous works.

Basicly I'm asking will stannous not read if one added a little too less or more tin to HCL.

I hope his is a question that will benafit the forum, thanks. Will
I have never measured out exact masses when making stannous chloride.

Have you watched my free video Making Auric Chloride on my website? The video has a short segment demonstrating making stannous chloride.

One key aspect of making stannous is that you add enough tin so that some tin remains undissolved after the fizzing reaction stops.

Cool ya I Desolved enough that their is still a solid flake in their.

I can't watch your videos because I don't have a good connection.

Thanks Steve!

Martin William H.
Stannous chloride reduces the gold to colloidal metal giving the violet color.

There can be a couple of reasons you do not get this violet color reaction:

No gold in solution.

Stannous chloride is too old, or not working, (a standard gold solution to test your stannous against can help you determine the problem here).

If you have to much oxidizer in your gold chloride solution (like nitric acid or bleach forming chlorine gas), this will re-dissolve (oxidize) the gold in your reaction, that the stannous chloride is trying to reduce to metal, so you may not see the reaction occur (or you may see it start to turn purple, and disappear), or other metals can some time’s over color the reaction so it may be harder to determine the violet color.

If your stannous is fresh, and will not work, and it is positive for gold, you probably need to gas off the chlorine in your gold solution (to much bleach still left in solution forming chlorine gas) heat works to remove this gas, also make up a known solution of gold and test your stannous with it.

I think before driving that truck you should clean that thick mud off the windshield, so you can see the road, and not run off the side of the mountain, practice learning the stannous chloride test before taking the truck for a spin, it is like working with a clean windshield, you will be able to see where your going.
In the other thread the solution in your picture did not look to be too loaded with copper, it looked fairly yellow and clear to me, I suspect you just need to eliminate the free chlorine gas and retest your solution.

see the other topic for pictures:

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