So like an idiot, i overshot the nitric

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2022
Mobile Alabama
So I threw a chunk of gold in to de-nox. I have it on heat and the chunk of gold is bubbling (I'll post a pic) my question is, do I have to wait till it stops dissolving, or can I take it off heat , drop and filter while it's cool without it dissolving what drops?
You can either wait until the reaction stops, or you could just keep it on the heat until it evaporates down to about 1/2 - 1/3 volume. That should drive off the excess nitric. You’ll know you’ve evaporated far enough when the solution gets kinda syrupy. Then rehydrate with HCl before you precipitate.

The super thin glass from that coffee pot will probably last a lot longer than that (by HCl fumes) corroded steel band to which the handle is attached!! 😯
Are you prepared (catch basin) to spill up to 4 cups of toxic acids and pm's in solution? Or will it be gone in soil, wooden floors, kids play sand, groundwater, etc.?
If you clean those coffee pots well and often, they well last 6 months to a year before the handle comes apart. They are good learning tools but true beakers make measuring way easier to work with. The real problem is using the griddle with the coffee pot which over heats the plastic parts of the handle causing the screw to become loose quicker.
Been there, some that. Still do occasionally for specific processes.

Keep an eye on them close and remove the handle at the first signs of deterioration.

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