The idea/motivation behind my posting was to use a generally acceptable procedure (sodium nitrite is one of the reccomended precipitants in Hoke's book), but with the general intention to save/recover/recycle chemicals as much as possible to reduce waste and hopefully save costs.
As 4metals indicated, all the NOx expelled from the precipitation can be easily scrubbed in water peroxide "scrubber", which can simply be a series of tanks connected by pipes and filled with water peroxide, that is slowly transformed to nitric acid, with concentrations rising from the last tank to the first, and little if any NOx in the exhaust.
If one puts a Sx step before precipitation, one could even recycle the nitric acid in the clean soup after precipitation, and neutralize/discard the "dirty soup" from the base metals after Sx. This seems to me the less wasteful method of operation, with the final products being purified gold, recycled nitric acid, and table salt, and of course whatever base metal chlorides or hidroxides or whatever to be further treated/recovered or sent away for disposal (in a smaller quantity).