Stannous Chloride... POWDER (???)

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so, I also have this white tin chloride powder. i bought it years ago.
I did like described, 1g plus or minus in 30mL of 33% hcl, but i a getting conflicting results.
i have a solution o aucl3 to which idk the exact amount of gold dissolved, but it is definitely enough to produce a decent stain, and the testing solution only gives faint stain. i made it fresh, so it's not old
do I need to also put tin metal or just the sncl2 powder is ok? what am i doing wrong
so, I also have this white tin chloride powder. i bought it years ago.
I did like described, 1g plus or minus in 30mL of 33% hcl, but i a getting conflicting results.
i have a solution o aucl3 to which idk the exact amount of gold dissolved, but it is definitely enough to produce a decent stain, and the testing solution only gives faint stain. i made it fresh, so it's not old
do I need to also put tin metal or just the sncl2 powder is ok? what am i doing wrong
Dissolve it in weak HCL or plain water. Acidity changes colours and intensity of stains, and too high acidity is probably worse. In my cases, strongly acidic test solution can make gold appear more orange-red coloured than violet-black. Strong solutions like 3+g/L Au are of course black.

For me, stannous made from tin was always a bit less sensitive than from SnCl2 "crystals". My usual "recipee" is to put like 0,5g of tin chloride into the vial and add around 5 ml of 1 M HCL (ca 3% HCL). I have bottle with solid SnCl2 in hand, so I does not really bother with Sn metal for storage. I make new solution from time to time, I honestly do not weight the exact ammounts and it always worked OK.
I use these crystals exactly like Orvi just stated and using a little HCl definitely works better and also makes the solution clear instead of cloudy. Additionally it lasts longer in acidic environment.

If you make your solution more concentrated it will produce more intense stains and will be a more sensitive test. Especially if not using some acid.

As others have stated it makes sense to make your solution the same every time. you enter the site look at the bottom of the page and click :arrow:
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The tin is at the bottom of that page. Cost $1 / Gram

add 1 gram of tin powder into 30 mL of HCl gently heat in an flask until the tin starts to fizz. Remove from heat and let it sit for 10 minutes. Some time remains in the solution as it clears. Mine lasts for a month or more if kept covered. The amounts are not critical and I just eyeball the reactants.

When it gets weak, I just add a sprinkle of tin and reheat. Every three months or so I make a fresh batch.

Hi Steve
Im a newbie..

I have bought 100g of stannous chloride powder...

So I just add a (1)gram to 30ml HCL heat until powder tin fizzes then let cool?


Hi Steve
Im a newbie..

I have bought 100g of stannous chloride powder...

So I just add a (1)gram to 30ml HCL heat until powder tin fizzes then let cool?


You really need to study more.
Stannous Chloride is a white salt that dissolves in water or HCl amongst other.
It is much cheaper to get some Tin solder and dissolve that in HCl.
It will do the same job.
Edit for spelling
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I've made some stannous chloride following the above directions and want to test it but I don't have any dissolved gold only 14k
granules is there a way to test the solid metal with stannous or does it have to be in a solution
I've made some stannous chloride following the above directions and want to test it but I don't have any dissolved gold only 14k
granules is there a way to test the solid metal with stannous or does it have to be in a solution
It have to be in solution.
Hi guyz. I ordered (And now arrived) 2,5Kg of SMB and 250gr of Stannous Chloride.

Ok for SMB... It's white powder as i expected...
But stannous chloride ? I was expeting it was LIQUID... and not! It's white powder too! Now ?
Wrong order or just mix with water ?

On bottle i read:
SnCl2 * 2H2O
Min. assay

What now to use ? :(
At least you could read your label. I couldn't read but every third word.
To say the least, I will not be buying from that seller anymore. My first and last.
I would say who I bought it from buy as there is only one seller that I've found, I'd say we probably purchased from same individual.
If you look on you tube streetips has a very good video.
Hope this helps you.

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