Teenscrapp Sharing what i havve learned so far for feedback

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
Hey guys I've been reading. :) So far i realize that the AP process is need for anything containing tin and it is a 50/50 mix of 20 baume(32%)HCl and H2O2. H202 is not added after you have a sufficient amount of CuCl in the bath and an airstone is all that wll be needed to continue it. I need to keep the types of scrap seperate and remove all organic material. I have also acquired a set of 2 gram 1/20th 12k Gold Filled, an old 14k fold electroplated ring, a piece of sterling gold plated thinly so it is only marked as .925. I also have a 1 gram 14k earring and a couple of electroplated pieces of jewelry. In addition i have about 5 grams of cut fingers about 4 ounces of assorted gold plated fingers and about .5lbs oof ceel phone board. A quarter lb of ic chips and CPU's that have been stripped of pins. and a wopping 1 gram of Monolithic Ceramic Capacitors. Hokes book is awesome but yall are as well. Looking forward to gethering more and this summer ill take the steps to maybe process it but im still learning.
Your doing great, young scrapper! We all had to start somewhere. I joined August of last year and collected everything I could and kept reading and reading until finally, about 2 weeks ago, I started my first attempt at the AP process. I've made a few mistakes and I'm still learning. I still have yet to melt my first button but I'm taking this slow. Besides, full time job gets in the way of this hobby. But the most important thing I learned was Safety First. Keep reading and absorbing the knowledge found here and keep collecting. Before you know it, you'll be attempting your first go at it. Good luck.

teenscrapper16 said:
Hey guys I've been reading. :) So far i realize that the AP process is need for anything containing tin and it is a 50/50 mix of 20 baume(32%)HCl and H2O2. H202 is not added after you have a sufficient amount of CuCl in the bath and an airstone is all that wll be needed to continue it.
You have a couple of errors in there. One will cause you to dissolve some of your gold. Keep studying and post back to this thread when you can tell us what they are.

Check Lazersteve's web site here: http://www.goldrecovery.us/. He has some videos of the AP process, but more importantly check in his Documents for a paper about the AP process.

Correct. You can even start with less H2O2. It only serves to get the reaction started by oxidizing a bit of copper which is then dissolved by the HCl. Do be careful with the upper and lower case letters on the chemical formulas. Most will recognize that you mean HCl when you write hcl, but which of these is correct - H2SnO3 or H2SNO3? Also, hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, not H202. They're fine points, but they are important.

Can you find another similar, fine point error in the statement I quoted? It has to do with the copper chloride that does the etching.

Keep studying! You're getting there!

I tried incinerating my ics and flatpacks today by putting a steel mechanics pan directly over a turkey fryer and cranking it up I was able to get about half of the material seperated into ash. It producef some smoke but not alot it wasnt black smoke but grey smoke and dissapeared after it rose a few feet.
I understand that autocorrect can sometimes result in unintended results. In most cases it's no big deal, but it can make a difference here.

The fine point in the AP process is the difference between copper I chloride and copper II chloride.

But now you've jumped ahead to incinerating chips in the open atmosphere:
teenscrapper16 said:
I tried incinerating my ics and flatpacks today by putting a steel mechanics pan directly over a turkey fryer and cranking it up I was able to get about half of the material seperated into ash. It producef some smoke but not alot it wasnt black smoke but grey smoke and dissapeared after it rose a few feet.
I'm afraid I won't be of much more help.

No i did a small test run to see the results of how the chips burned and whether chips i was going to process do actually contain gold. I think i understand what your saying as far as the copper. If i were to build a jet style burner in a kiln with some sort of filtration system using catylytic converters would that effectively incinerate all carbon.
teenscrapper16 said:
No i did a small test run to see the results of how the chips burned and whether chips i was going to process do actually contain gold. I think i understand what your saying as far as the copper. If i were to build a jet style burner in a kiln with some sort of filtration system using catylytic converters would that effectively incinerate all carbon.

I dont think that you see what is important here, Dave was willing to help you almost as a personal teacher to take some small steps and learn all the important (safety ) information first. I am 4 times as old as you and i would be very very happy if i had a personal teacher, and i would follow his or her lessons step by step, study maybe a book at the same time. ( Hoke would be the obvious one )

Most people would not be to keen on helping a 16 year old, as refining is dangerous if done wrong, therefore it is important that all steps are done one by one and that one does not run ahead ( a tendency that young people have ) Become a master of 1 thing first, then maybe consider to learn the next process.

This would be the normal process if i had to teach you ( no matter if that would be cooking, removal of landmines or refining )

1 Read ( Hoke )
2 Read safety information on the material you work with ( hoke is the absolute best on basic refining, but safety was a little different way back )
3 collect 500 gram of clean cut fingers
4 built a AP tank
5 do some of the small test Hoke writes about so you better understand acid reaction on different metals
6 test 20 gram of fingers in your tank, see if the foils come of, collect them and do the other 480 gram.
7 wash them and let them dry

keep the foils for later.

as you can see, I would not even consider going to the next step ( dissolving the foil ) All this because i would be worried about your safety .
I followed this subject as i was very impressed by Dave taking the time to help and have a lot of respect for that.
I wish you would have the same respect for that.

instead of thinking about making some kind of jet burner, you should have spend time on reading about copper II, wrt burning the chips if you would have search the forum, you would have know that most of them have gold ( since you did know that you should incinerate them ) so my conclusion is, you just wanted to try.

"I just wanted to try" is one of the most common reason why people end at the ER


ps , I do not have any knowledge about refining, but i do know about teaching and the removal of Land mines, therefor the suggested teaching is just a sample of a teaching process and should not be seen as the first step in refining.
Now I see the complete picture. Thanks for clarifying. I am never trying to be disrespectful. I apologize and dave has been so helpful and I hope he will continue to teach me as I have absolutely so much admiration for me. I promise not to jump ahead.

I understand you're excited about this and it's easy to get ahead of yourself. I'm told I was young once too, though I'm getting too old to remember. Truthfully, you're doing better at studying than many who come here. And if it hadn't been for my back problems when I found the forum, I probably would have been out making messes of my own.

This forum is somewhat unique because of the very dangerous nature of what we do. So while it may be OK to type out a quick reply to a thread on your cell phone and send it without proof reading it to other forums, we encourage a higher standard here. I never post a reply here without thoroughly checking my spelling, grammar, chemical formulae, etc. That doesn't mean I don't make mistakes. I do.

This isn't a race. Take your time. Check your posts before you hit the Submit button. Strive for accuracy. When you show you can muster the discipline to do that you'll gain a lot of respect here. It is the same discipline that will serve you well in recovery and refining. Without that, I fear you will have many problems and members will hesitate to help you fearing that you will rush right into another problem. No one here wants to be the source of information that gets someone else hurt.

There is a thread I'd like you to take a look at. ms32462 shared this experience with us : http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=11957. Read it and let us know what you learn.

Yes' sir. I am finally piecing things together. Im going to try and design some fume hood ideas. I also have put everything but manual depopulation on the back burner. As far as an AP tank I have a question.I have a multitude of small aquariums would this work as a HCl only bath to send things through.
teenscrapper16 said:
Yes' sir. I am finally piecing things together. Im going to try and design some fume hood ideas. I also have put everything but manual depopulation on the back burner. As far as an AP tank I have a question.I have a multitude of small aquariums would this work as a HCl only bath to send things through.

teenscrapper16 , I do not have that much experience with AP tanks, so I can not answer your question, as I have no idea what the aquariums are made of.
But I do have a question for you, where will you put your AP-tank, and why will you put it there?

also I would not put things through ( but would use it for fingers )

1.a material object without life or consciousness; an inanimate object.
2.some entity, object, or creature that is not or cannot be specifically designated or precisely described: The stick had a brass thing on it.
3.anything that is or may become an object of thought: things of the spirit.
4.things, matters; affairs: Things are going well now.
5.a fact, circumstance, or state of affairs: It is a curious thing.

For some reason I have not been able to on my phone. However I have read his documents on chemicals/concentrations and a few more.

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