Test probes

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Active member
Sep 24, 2012
Hello people,

I have an idea (or dream?) and I want to know what you think. I have gold plated test probes. Material of this probes is bronze and brass. First i want to remove the base metals with H2SO4 + H2O2. Filter the solution, catch the gold. Remaining solution contains CuSO4 and some Sn,Zn (i think :roll: ). Then i want electrochemicaly remove the copper with carbon electrodes or carbon and copper. I know, if is electrochemicaly removed copper from CuSO4, then i have again H2SO4. And now the question. What to do with other metals?

Thanks for answers :) and sorry for my english :oops:
I hope, you know, what you are doing, when using H2SO4 and H2O2? Keyword piranha solution or Caro's acid.

It's also diluted a loaded gun, amazing fast, but if you are not familar with it, read first every bit about it, so you can use it safely. And you should have some routine with other hot (and it gets hot without heating!) strong acids.
What to do with other metals?

And therefor I would advise you, not to do it. What have you read, what background do you have?
I use 30% H2SO4 and little 30% H2O2. Ratio cca. 10:1. I think its not so hot or I'm wrong?

Even if your solution doesn't get hot when mixed, it is still very corrosive and potentially explosive. As Solar has cautioned you, this combination is very dangerous.

There are other ways to recover your gold that are much less hazardous.

Be safe!

Hmm...So my fingers is away from this thing forever :p . Thank you for warning. It will better to sell it. It will better to continue with induction heater now.
Thanks again.

You can still process them, but there are safer ways.

Since they are gold plated, the best way would probably be a stripping cell. It still uses sulfuric acid, but without the H2O2.

If that is not a good solution for you, you could use A/P to digest the base metal, leaving you with gold foils or bits (depending on the thickness of the plating).

Instead of A/P, you could use HNO3 to digest the base metal. Faster, but more expensive.

There are many ways to skin the cat.

I know about other processes, but they seems to me always smelly and dangerous. Now i know, that my idea was worse than all.
Before i was using FeCl3, but i don't now, that is cost effective to regenerate with HCL and H2O2. Maybe electrolysis its the right way.
I can't say, that this is not true. But the dangers are relative. Driving car is also dangerous. Don't give up before started. At first you need safe conditions, then acquaintance experiments like those in Hoke's in small quantities. But know, it will cost like every other hobby, at least only cover your expenses.
You're right, its relative. But i don't have enough material to start my own business. So that was my idea to reusage the H2SO4, to reduce the cost of chemicals. It was bad idea. Now i still must go to work :lol: . Ok, i will try something else. Good night everybody, or like you says in Germany, gute Nacht und danke für Volkswagen. Ich habe ein :p .
Hot diluted H2SO4 will work fine on copper. No need for H2O2. So, your idea is not impossible.
Material of this probes is bronze and brass.

Why not using the copper sulfate cell for copper refining? The only danger lies in the poisonous heavy metal salts and a bit sulfuric.

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