The new method with cyanide

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Jul 26, 2016
Today I using the cyanide and some powder like C6H4‧NO2‧ SO3Na
Cyanide 30gr
C6H4‧NO2‧ SO3Na 8-10gr
water 1L
using 3-5s can leaching of the gold on cpu and phone board
after using the titium board to electrolysis the solution
I've used m-NBSS as an oxidant with cyanide to strip gold many times but I've always used zinc dust to precipitate the gold. I've never tried to plate out the gold with this solution. I have successfully plated out the gold when H2O2 was used as an oxidant. With m-NBSS, you may or may not have problems. I would try it on a small sample. To determine whether it is successful, you need a way of analyzing the solution after treatment to see if any gold remains.
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I dont think cyanide would be used for this type of CPUs.

I would suggest to add 35% hydrogen peroxide to CPUs that you leached with cyanide, then under fume hood dissolve the CPUs in hcl.

Filter solution, then add nitric to dissolve gold and Platinum.


Could you elaborate as to why you wouldn't use cyanide with these CPUs please? This product is perfect for this type of recovery.

Granted I can see some benefit of getting rid of the solder prior to a leach in cyanide, the vast majority of the gold is visible on the pins. I accept there can be other PMs however the cyanide will take up the silver as well as the gold. A first step of separating out the removable heatsinks may have merit dependent upon the exact type of processor prior to leach however why would you want to dissolve all that base metal when you really don't have to?

Heatsinks (devoid of any pms) in one box after leaching, bases with MLC in another box for further processing.

I refered to first photo with CPU with tin balls, gold and platinum or silver alloyed in those tiny balls. Cyanide will have no effect.

But for second photo, yes cyanide is the cheapest methods, but that specific CPU is very low in PMs.

Make sure to save those MLCC caps from them as they have Ag Pd.

I believe that the first picture is same type of processor shown on the second picture after leaching in the cyanide solution. It looks very much like an AMD server processor which will have a large heat sink on the back. Naturally I'm open to be corrected by the OP.

I'd still stand by my comments on my previous post for this material. Take the gold/silver out and deal with any Palladium separately without the requirement of pointlessly dissolving hundreds of Kg of metals.
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