this seems to be a on running question

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hi all

before i start i would just like to say what a great forum this is, i live in england and yes its raining right now, there is so much info i sat up from 10pm until 6am reading,

i also visited stevs sites and once again well done mate fantastic the videos where top notch, and i was very impressed with the detail and info you managed to get into a 5 to 10 min video clip

right thats all the but kissing out the

the question ... TORCHES

this seems to be a running concern,what torch to get or even mabye one of those compact 1100c kiln type things

lets start with propane, if i have a heavy duty propane torch with a regulator and larger cylinder surly that would be enough to melt gold,i say surly but i dont know

i know oxy/acet will do it no problem but over here its not that easy for the normal man on street to go get a bottle of gas, if i have to then i will have to but it will be much easier for me to use propane as it readly available every where for caravans and camping

if you look at this 30sec video clip you see that the guy seems to melt the gold very easy and it does not look like hes using a oxygen it looks like a single piped head not a duel piped head

im new to this lads so cut me a bit of slack i just dont want to start by buying the wrong sort of torch,has anyone tired one of those compact kilns iv seem them on ebay for about £200 or $400 to you boys they go upto about 1100c

if the users of the forum dont mind just telling what sort of torch they use and can advise on the best way to go i would really appreciate it,
i hope its good news and propane will be fine

thanks lads
an electric kiln or natural gas or propane kiln or propane air kiln including propane burner from plumbing pipe can easily be built if yer handy, for a very tiny amount(can barly be done with a small butane pencil type torch), realy you need a torch with oxygen, a small torch tip (mixes oxygen and acytelene), there are also dispsable bottle type oxygen propane torches that will work, you will normally need temperatures over 2000 degrees F.
1100 deg C. and be able to mantain high temperatures for a period of time this is almost impossible for torches without oxygen,it depends on what you want to spend $,or are able to build. how much that you will use the tool ect. it would be possible to use your propane torch and fix it up making a burner that uses air venturied into a burner and a small simple fire brick furnace,this is hard to explain but do a web search on propane burners, forges,building kiln ect ect,
The torch in the video appears to be an acetylene/air torch. By the handle it looks to be either a Goss or Prestolite brand. Much hotter than a propane torch but works the same way. A propane torch of the same type does work if you work within stacked kiln bricks to contain the heat.
thanks for your fast replys lads

i was thinking of making a kiln as shown on this forum but i only have a small back granden i live in a city and when i say small mate i mean small even the dog feels cramped out there

have you seen these "smiths small torchs" they sell them on ebay for about £85 or around $140 they say they reach temps of 6000c, now that would be perfect for me nice and small, im only melting about half oz of gold at a time and maybe around 1oz of silver at a time so will this item do the job or if anyone has tiried one and its no good can you let me know

if i get no where with that i mite have to just buy a oxy/acet torch,

so yeah if anyknows if the "smith little torch" good can you let me know theres also a maxigas/oxy torch on ebay and i think i saw it on transtools.con has anyone tired one of these

The Smith torch is oxy/acetylene and would require both tanks. It is tiny and suited to repairing jewelery. Though the temperature is plenty hot the flame is only about the size of a grain of rice. It will not provide enough BTU for melting and casting.

You should be able to find the acetylene/air torches at plumbing or HVAC suppliers. You would only need an acetylene tank oxygen is drawn from the atmosphere.

A melt furnace can be as small as you wish. Here are some.

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