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New member
Nov 8, 2015
Hi all,

I'm new here and would like to get some help form you. I'm trying to get some answers for the following questions and hopefully you can assist me.

1- A list of the world's top major gold refineries.
2- what does a refinery need to be accredited/certified?
3- what are the certifications ?
4- what are the equipment a major plant should have?

I really hope you can help me with that !

Thank you so much .
Since a simple google search would answer all your questions, it might be useful, if you could specify, what you actually want to know - what is the purpous, what do you need the information for? Is it a school lecture, do you want to start the largest egypt gold refinery, do you want to invest in corporations ........?

certifications will depend on local law, which is different from country to country

equipment will depend on what you want to speciallize in, what material you have and its quantity

Foolish, undifferentiated questions. Since you are a first time poster, I believe you are a fake and soon you will edit your post and add some spam links.
Manno said:
Hi all,

I'm new here and would like to get some help form you. I'm trying to get some answers for the following questions and hopefully you can assist me.

1- A list of the world's top major gold refineries.
2- what does a refinery need to be accredited/certified?
3- what are the certifications ?
4- what are the equipment a major plant should have?

I really hope you can help me with that !

Thank you so much .
I would say the pertinent question is what material is it you have access to.
Precious metals are every where but only build up to commercially interesting quantity's in certain places.
Some natural some man made.
As each type require vastly different processing in most case's it is pointless planning a refinery until you are certain you will have enough feed stock to keep it running economically.
Study the metal's first then learn how to test and detect,that will help you identify any sources and calculate the potential return's.
Then you can think about building a facility.
As you have been told, refineries are set up to process specific scrap types or classes of scrap. For example if you are getting concentrates from mines you set up one way, and if you are dealing in e-waste you would set up differently. So the answer to your question requires you answering a question first. What is it you want to process and what quantities?

A perfect example of a member that set up a refinery and was ill advised from the outset in terms of chemistry can be seen in this thread fortunately we were able to help this member and get him on the right path.

If you take the time to ask the right questions we can help you as well.
Thanks everyone for the reply. I'm working on a university research and of course I tried googling everything, the issue is I'm so unfamiliar with the topic and I don't know what answers will be reliable/accurate in order to include them in the assignment.

It's my first year studying geology and mineral resources, and my first assignment just happens to be about gold and gold refineries. So I thought of doing a simple research first about the previous questions and then dig deeper on each answer and move from there.

Manno glad you found us.

4metals is extremely helpful chap and his links are well worth some good investigation. I wish you well in your course. No doubt Bjorn (who is also a really nice chap) will also be along shortly as he has always been a mine of valuable information on here. (Maybe he hadn't had enough coffee previously 8) 8) :lol: )

What is the material, that has to be refined? It is cost effective to speciallize on some processes and sell the other stuff to other speciallists.
THANK YOU for the goldbarsworldwide website. It has very good amount of useful information !!

Appreciate all your effort and thoughts.

Best regards

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