Torch problems

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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2012
So I have a Mag Torch MT 560
I use to be able to melt up to 3 oz of silver with it. Now I'm lucky to get a half an ounce. Even with brand new Mapp tanks, it just doesnt seem to be blowing a good flame like it use to. And sometimes it spits out small sparks when its blowing.
Any suggestions on this could be? I paid $45 for this thing so i really don't want to have to buy a new torch but suggestions are welcome.
I have had this problem many times to. What I have found wrong was the screen was getting plugged up. The small brass "peg" that goes down into the map gas bottle on the torch has a screen in it. To remove it you need a deep (I think) 5/16 ..I/4 in drive socket. Unscrew it and look at the other end there is a slinter screen in it (do not remove). What I do is wash it out with rubbing alcohol and blow out with air from the big end (the end with threads) toward the small end. ///
To prevent this from happing blow off the map bottle with compressed air so no dust and dirt gets in the screen when you screw a bottle on.

Meanie you might be right. I have had the torch off the tank and sitting on my dirty work bench. Never even thought of that getting dirty. Ill check it out

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