Update - my running Jerry's process

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Well-known member
Jan 16, 2014
John Day Oregon
Because Jerry's other thread got locked I am posting this to update were I am at for my test run of Jerry's process

I was planning to run it today - however - I have decided that in order for it to be a real test I actually need to run it side by side along with some other processes "at the same time" in order to make a true comparison

The claim is that the process is an alternate process to nitric because it works as fast as nitric (or better put "close" to as fast with a plus/minus factor) therefore having an advantage over AP/CuCl2 which can take days --- so I was originally just going to run it along with doing a comparison batch in nitric

However - Geo posted
If you want to remove base metal and leave the gold foils faster, ferric chloride will react just like that when heated. An oxidizer will drive the reaction forward without ever dissolving any gold.

So now I want to run these 2 along with it (one with just ferric chloride on heat & one with ferric chloride & an oxidizer) the problem being that I only have about 3/4 gallon of ferric chloride so I need to make a run today to my chem supplier to get some more - which means it will be tomorrow before I can run the test instead of today
--- Sorry for the delay - but its only one day so that when I run it I can run it as a true comparison to other processes

Also I feel I need to clarify on another comment that has been made - which was/is
I will be interested in how Jerry's process is going to be better.
Nether Jerry or I have ever at any time said this process is "better" then any other process --- rather - words like alternate, different or variation are words that better describe what we have been saying - therefore providing "another" tool in the refiners tool box - which in turn is to the benefit of the members

The question of "better" can only be answered by each individual based on the material they have to run, where &/or how they are set up to run processing, or chems they have (or don't have) access to

kurtak said:
Because Jerry's other thread got locked I am posting this to update were I am at for my test run of Jerry's process

I was planning to run it today - however - I have decided that in order for it to be a real test I actually need to run it side by side along with some other processes "at the same time" in order to make a true comparison

The claim is that the process is an alternate process to nitric because it works as fast as nitric (or better put "close" to as fast with a plus/minus factor) therefore having an advantage over AP/CuCl2 which can take days --- so I was originally just going to run it along with doing a comparison batch in nitric

However - Geo posted
If you want to remove base metal and leave the gold foils faster, ferric chloride will react just like that when heated. An oxidizer will drive the reaction forward without ever dissolving any gold.

So now I want to run these 2 along with it (one with just ferric chloride on heat & one with ferric chloride & an oxidizer) the problem being that I only have about 3/4 gallon of ferric chloride so I need to make a run today to my chem supplier to get some more - which means it will be tomorrow before I can run the test instead of today
--- Sorry for the delay - but its only one day so that when I run it I can run it as a true comparison to other processes

Also I feel I need to clarify on another comment that has been made - which was/is
I will be interested in how Jerry's process is going to be better.
Nether Jerry or I have ever at any time said this process is "better" then any other process --- rather - words like alternate, different or variation are words that better describe what we have been saying - therefore providing "another" tool in the refiners tool box - which in turn is to the benefit of the members

The question of "better" can only be answered by each individual based on the material they have to run, where &/or how they are set up to run processing, or chems they have (or don't have) access to



Give me a call as soon as you see this please.That 3/4 gallon will be enough.Thanks in advance.

Ferric Chloride is very easy to make. I do so for a few metalworkers/jewelers for etching or patinizing pieces they make. A lot cheaper as well.

The original thread was locked for a reason, and this post just seems more of the same that was posted there. I believe the reason it was locked is for the same type of post that yours is, that being the arguing, not discussion that could, as was said before, split the forum. That's never a good thing. I'm just making this point it is of course up to moderators to decide if this post is different or not. Just a friendly suggestion, if moderators have previously locked a thread, you might want to refrain posting the same type of conversation in a new thread that promotes the very thing that the other thread was locked for.

I hope your tests prove fruitful and I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.


What I posted had NOTHING to do with why the other thread got locked (in fact I want to thank 4metals for locking that thread) the other thread got locked because it turned into an argument of opinions people had one way or the other based on personal feelings towards Jerry &/or how he went about posting about his process --- it therefore turned in to clutter of opinion rather then discussion of process

My post of this morning was in fact about the process in that I was letting everyone know were I am at in putting things together for the testing I want to preform of the process --- as well as making one point of clarification on something nether Jerry or I have ever said so that , that does not become a point of argument when the discussion re-opens after my testing

I called Jerry (as he asked) & talked with him about doing it with the ferric chloride I have on hand & I could do that but would need to down size my testing batches - I don't want to do that if for no other reason then I would rather have more chem to do the test then start the test & fall short of chem to complete it

4metals - could you please lock this thread so it doesn't turn into another one of nothing but clutter --- then when I am done with my testing &/or have another up date to post - we can ether unlock this thread &/or start a new thread with my testing results & the actual discloser of the process

kurtak said:
4metals - could you please lock this thread so it doesn't turn into another one of nothing but clutter --- then when I am done with my testing &/or have another up date to post - we can ether unlock this thread &/or start a new thread with my testing results & the actual discloser of the process

Can do, PM me (or any Moderator as we all have the mystical power to lock and unlock threads) when you have results and want the thread unlocked.
Geez guys.

How about this, Kurt? Do the experiment such that anyone can replicate it.

Make a report like follows:

What you're trying to do and what experiment is being done (i.e. "Hypothesis is that the M44 process is comparable in speed to nitric acid for Au/Ni/Cu plated systems")
Reagents & equipment used:
List out name, formula, formula weight, and concentrations, equipment, sketch of the setup
Experiment details
weight of material of composition X charged into Y L reactor made of borosilicate to which was added Z L/kg/whatever of reagent in portions/at once/over 5 years, etc.
Further work planned
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