Using only HCl to recover gold from ore?

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Nov 24, 2014
Can someone comment on this please? This guy claims to be recovering gold from ore by using only HCl. I am by no means an expert but this seems off? Thank you
The guy's a rank beginner that probably hadn't been doing this for more than a week. The presence of gold in the videos was solely determined by color and this proves absolutely nothing - zero - zilch - nada. There are tons of non-gold materials that are yellow in HCl solutions - iron is probably the most common and that's probably what it is.

Anyone that's been reading this forum for a week knows that solution color only is often meaningless and that the HCl solution must be tested with stannous chloride to really see if there is any gold in there. It's a basic test that everybody here must know. You never know until you test it. If a drop of solution mixed with a drop of stannous chloride turns purple or black, there's gold in it. If it doesn't turn purple or black, there's no gold. Very simple, very fast, sensitive, and accurate.

To learn everything about it, where to get it and how to make it up, search the forum for stannous chloride. I bought enough (1/4 pound) on eBay for $10 to last a lifetime, if I go to the trouble to make it up right (from Hoke). I think the same guy's still selling it on eBay but the price went up a couple of dollars.

You can also make the stannous chloride test solution by reacting 95% tin solder with HCl, but I prefer using the white stannous chloride crystals like on eBay.

Download the Hoke book (free) and find the best instructions for making and using stannous chloride starting on page 92.

Would someone please give the man the link for the best Hoke download.
HCl will not dissolve gold as a metal. But it is possible that HCl dissolves gold compounds.
But try to soak some corroded copper in HCl, you will see a yellow solution being formed. A yellow solution is by no means a suitable indication for gold in solution!
I understand most of this. I scratched my head when I watched the videos and wondered if I was missing something. I know you can dissolve gold with aqua regia, halides, SSN solution, cyanide, etc. but not HCl by itself. What I wasn't sure of is weather or not gold chlorides exist by themselves in quantity in nature and if they did, would they be soluble in HCL? However, it seems a gold chloride would also be water soluble so it wouldn't remain a chloride? I am not a chemist. The guy in the video keeps talking about the "debate" about HCL dissolving gold and I wanted to make sure I wasn't misspeaking before posting a response. Thank you for posting your replies.
Electromotively, gold wants very much to be gold metal in nature. Gold compounds are relatively rare in nature, compared with gold metal. With silver, I think there might be more silver compounds than silver metal, but silver metal isn't that rare. Copper is almost always found as a compound and copper metal is there but is rarely found. The other metals, excluding the platinum group metals, always want to be compounds. There are probably a few oddball exceptions where these metals are found as metals in nature, but I can't think of any, offhand.

Here's a short electromotive series with most of the common metals listed. Gold, at the bottom, always wants to be a metal and it takes a lot of chemical power to dissolve it. On top of the list is magnesium, a metal which is always found as a compound. In between, they vary, based on their proximity to the top and bottom.


Sorry for the simplistic way I presented this.
I appreciate all of the input. To me these videos sound like quite a load of crap. I know color yellow doesn't indicate the presence of gold - if it did I'd save all my piss. He never shows testing with stannous chloride or any other testing method. I just don't want to respond without knowing ALL of the facts, and that's impossible based on the videos presented, and, I don't presume to know everything. I try to keep an open mind with the hopes of learning something new. Thanks again

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