want to buy a system

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Aug 10, 2013
Hey guys would really like some input: I buy scrap and need to remove stones before melting can anyone recommend a system to do this or has one for sale ... read some blogs of dissolving the gold but was no good at it and just ended up wasting time.. please help I found a the ishor system on ebay for 500 and the another one on ebay with pots and crock pots for around same price but idk... any input would be greatly appreciated any lniks to systems you guys are using would also be awesome...
Don't buy any systems, not yet, not until you read and educate yourself about what it is you are proposing doing.

Get a copy of C. M. Hoke "Refining Precious Metals Wastes" here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/2815953/Refining-Precious-Metal-Wastes-C-M-Hoke

Whatever you do, don't purchase the Shor system, all you have to do is google it to figure out real fast that not only is there difficulty using the system, but Shor seems to ignore requests for help.

You really shouldn't make any decisions at all until you understand the processes. Or if you do make a decision, it should be to have a professional remove the stones for you, specially if you are dealing with large amounts and even more important if you are also dealing with stones not diamonds. You wouldn't want to put pearls for example into a solution of Aqua Regia, they wouldn't hold up very well.

This topic as well has been discussed many times on the forum, you can use the search function and be rewarded with a wealth of threads that directly discuss this topic.

The best help you can get is this:

There are no ready to use "systems" to buy to do this, the only system is your brain.

Read some books, Hoke and Amman are good. Hoke is free. This forum has tons of knowledge to use.

Really, think about it, those eBay systems for hundred$$$ are just a bunch of pots and glassware with some instructions.
rickbb said:
The best help you can get is this:

There are no ready to use "systems" to buy to do this, the only system is your brain.

Read some books, Hoke and Amman are good. Hoke is free. This forum has tons of knowledge to use.

Really, think about it, those eBay systems for hundred$$$ are just a bunch of pots and glassware with some instructions.

Ohhhhh, now I get it!! The first couple of times, I wasn't sure what you meant!! :lol:
Yep, rickbb did a triple post.

When I found this thread, it had been reduced to two. I deleted one. All is well now.


Say a little more about what you really want to do, like lot sizes and how often you do this, as there may be options. Without more details from you there is little anyone can tell you.

When new members post asking for a system, and do not give enough information to pose the question for a proper answer, our members assume you know very little and your first course of action should be to do some reading. If this is not the case I assure you no harm was intended, but in their defense, far too many ask questions without the ability to know if the answers are any good.

I assume you know what you want and why, give us some information to base our answers on and you will get some sound advice.

Lots of guys around here to help you but what do you really want and what are you doing? I am no refiner but pretty good at buying gold. The trick is know what you are doing and what level of skill do you have. Lots of different ways of estimating gold content and what level of risk do you want to take. You do not list your location and not sharing information. Sort of like asking How do I make money?

Tell us more and you get a lot of people willing to guide you into helping yourself. No effort = no reward.


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