Wasted time

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Well-known member
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 25, 2007
Art Corbit said:
Some of you people on here need to back up and take a good look at your selves from time to time.

Indeed! I suggest you follow your advice.


You need to read a little closer. I said "What's the big deal if the lead does dissolve the gold it isn't lost". I'll tell you what. You just chew on me all you want to. When you are chewing on me you are letting some other poor sucker on this forum alone.

You admitted yourself that lead can be used as a collector. You said: "Nothing wrong with using lead as a collector of values. You simply must be able to address the lead once it has been used for the purpose". If you are correct then so am I. I say there is nothing wrong with using molten lead as a collector. Is it ok for you to say it but not ok for me?

If you will look at the first post I made on this subject I said: "The gold didn't melt and didn't dissolve like I had been told it would". We then agreed if I had let it stay hot longer a little of it may have dissolved. In the future before you set out to cut me down please get your facts straight. That's the last I am going to say on this subject. I see right now you are not going to get your teeth out of me so I'll just find something else to do.

Art Corbit said:

You need to read a little closer. I said "What's the big deal if the lead does dissolve the gold it isn't lost". I'll tell you what. You just chew on me all you want to. When you are chewing on me you are letting some other poor sucker on this forum alone.

I've had more than enough of your wise guy mouth and belligerence. The spin you put on previous statements I've made is not putting you in better stead, and in fact is the source of you having worn out your welcome with me.

I have far better things to do with my time than try to help an ungrateful individual that appears to have less than a modicum of understanding.

I bid you farewell. I have no intentions of spending any more of my time on you.

Good Morning Harold,

It doesn't feel so good to get your buttons punched for a change does it. I have had enough of you several days ago but you wouldn't get off my back so good by.

It's mind numbing to see your incredible ability to get it wrong. Once again you are misinformed, so your childish comments come as no surprise. That you "don't get it" is obvious.

You are not "punching" any buttons. I'm just wise enough to understand when I'm dealing with a person that is more interested in being "right" (even when they're wrong, as you usually are) than they are in learning. Nothing I wouldn't expect from one that is poorly informed and will have no part of acknowledging truth.

As far as your comments are concerned, I have the ability to remove them from the board-----but the old proverb holds true----it's better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. I want all readers to understand the same way I do.

So you'll better understand my position, you don't (and can't) get my dander up. You, sir, are nothing to me-----I am far less than concerned about you, your opinions, or your well being. My only concern is that you are damaging readers with your moronic comments, but I'll be here to offer opposing views.

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